This is the Elasticsearch backend for pySigma. It provides the package sigma.backends.elasticsearch
with the LuceneBackend
It supports the following output formats:
- default: Lucene queries.
- dsl_lucene: DSL with embedded Lucene queries.
- kibana_ndjson: Kibana NDJSON with Lucene queries.
Further, it contains the following processing pipelines in sigma.pipelines.elasticsearch
- ecs_windows in windows submodule: ECS mapping for Windows event logs ingested with Winlogbeat.
- ecs_windows_old in windows submodule: ECS mapping for Windows event logs ingested with Winlogbeat <= 6.x.
- ecs_zeek_beats in zeek submodule: Zeek ECS mapping from Elastic.
- ecs_zeek_corelight in zeek submodule: Zeek ECS mapping from Corelight.
- zeek_raw in zeek submodule: Zeek raw JSON log field naming.
This backend is currently maintained by:
Further maintainers required! Send a message to Thomas if you want to co-maintain this backend.