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Rust implementation of Intuition's off-chain back-end.


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This workspace contains the following crates:

  • cli: contains the code to run the intuition TUI client.
  • consumer: contains the code to RAW, DECODED and RESOLVER consumers.
  • envio-indexer: contains the code to index the base-sepolia events of our contract using envio.
  • hasura: contains the migrations and hasura config.
  • histoflux: streams historical/live events from the database to an SQS queue.`
  • image-guard: contains the code to guard the images.
  • models: contains the domain models for the intuition data as basic traits for the data.
  • rpc-proxy: contains the code to proxy the RPC calls to their respective networks, caching the results of the eth_call method for the currentSharePrice function of the EthMultiVault contract.
  • substreams-sink: contains the code to consume the Substreams events.

Besides that, we have a docker-compose.yml file to run the full pipeline locally, a Makefile to run some commands using cargo make and the LICENSE file.

Note that all of the crates are under intensive development, so the code is subject to change. Also, notice that if you want to index base events you need to uncomment the substreams-sink crate in the docker-compose.yml file and comment the envio-indexer crate. We are figuring out the best process to handle this.

First steps

In order to be able to use the convenience commands in the Makefile, you need to install cargo make:

  • Install cargo make (cargo install --force cargo-make)

For Hasura, you need to:

And for SQS queues, you need to have AWS configured in your system, so you need to have a file in ˜./.aws/config with the following content:

aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Running the local pipeline

There is a .env.sample file that you need to use as a template to create the .env file. First, you need to set the values for following variables:

  • PINATA_GATEWAY_TOKEN: You can get the token from Pinata
  • PINATA_API_JWT: You can get the token from Pinata
  • RPC_URL_MAINNET: We are currently using Alchemy. You can create new ones using the Alchemy dashboard
  • RPC_URL_BASE: We are currently using Alchemy. You can create new ones using the Alchemy dashboard
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: You can get the values from your AWS account
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: You can get the values from your AWS account
  • HF_TOKEN: You can get the token from Hugging Face
  • SUBSTREAMS_API_TOKEN: You can get the token from Substreams
  • HYPERSYNC_TOKEN: You can get the token from Envio

After filling all of the variables, you can run the following commands:

Using published docker images


Runing cli tool to verify latest data


Later, you can use ./ to stop all services or ./ to restart all services and clear attached volumes

Building docker images from source code

cp .env.sample .env
source .env
cargo make start-docker-and-migrate

If you need to re-run migrations

docker compose down -v
docker compose up -d --force-recreate
cargo make migrate-database

Run tests

cargo nextest run

Known issues

None so far.

Running manually

First you need to copy the .env.sample file to .env and source it. Make sure you set the correct values for the environment variables.

cp .env.sample .env
source .env

If you want to run the local raw consumer connected to the real raw SQS queue you can run

RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin consumer --mode raw ( or simply cargo make raw-consumer)

If you want to run the local decoded consumer connected to the real decoded SQS queue you can run

RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin consumer --mode decoded ( or simply cargo make decoded-consumer)

If you want to run the local raw consumer connected to the local SQS queue you can run

RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin consumer --features local --mode raw --local (or cargo make raw-consumer-local)

If you want to run the local decoded consumer connected to the local SQS queue you can run

RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin consumer --features local --mode decoded --local (or cargo make decoded-consumer-local)

We use feature flags to differentiate between the local and the remote execution environment.

Also note that you need to set the right environment variables for the queues (RAW_CONSUMER_QUEUE_URL and DECODED_CONSUMER_QUEUE_URL) in order to switch between the local and the remote execution environment.


  • cargo make start-docker-and-migrate to start the docker compose and run the migrations.
  • cargo make clippy to run clippy
  • cargo make fmt to run rustfmt

You can check all of the available commands in .cargo/makefiles.

Running with kubernetes (on macos)

First you need to install minikube:

brew install minikube

Install k9s

brew install k9s

Then we need to create the secrets. At this step it's expected that you have a .env file with the correct values set. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that we need to remove the " from the values, e.g., DATABASE_URL="postgres://testuser:test@database:5435/storage" should be DATABASE_URL=postgres://testuser:test@database:5435/storage.

kubectl create secret generic secrets --from-env-file=.env

Then you can start the minikube cluster:

minikube start

Then you can apply the kubernetes manifests:

kubectl apply -k kube_files/

To restart the services you can run:

kubectl rollout restart deployment


kubectl delete deployment --all 

There is a devops folder that contains yaml files to deploy our stack to both Minikube and AWS EKS.

Using local ethereum node

Add the following to your .env file:


Then you can create local data by running the following command:

cd integration-tests
npm install
npm run create-predicates