git clone
cd autoBspwm
chmod +x
❖ + Enter : Open terminal (kitty).
❖ + (1,2,3,4...) : Focus to the given desktop.
❖ + Shift + (1,2,3,4...) : Send to the given desktop.
❖ + D : Program launcher.
❖ + ESC : Make sxhkd reload its configuration files.
❖ + Alt + (q,r) : Quit or Restart bspwm.
❖ + W : Close and Kill.
❖ + M : Alternate between the Tiled and Monocle layout
❖ + Y : Send the newest marked Node to the newest preselected Node.
❖ + G : Swap the current Node and the biggest window.
❖ + Ctrl + Alt + (🠐 🠑 🠒 🠓) : Preselect the direction.
❖s + Ctrl + (1-9) : Preselect the ratio.
❖ + Ctrl + Space : Cancel the preselection for the focused Node.
❖ + Ctrl + Alt + Space : Cancel the preselection for the focused desktop.
❖ + Shift + (🠐 🠑 🠒 🠓) : Move a floating window.
❖ + Ctrl + (1,2,3,4...) : Custom a move/resize.
❖ + Shift + F : Firefox.
❖ + Shift + B : Burpsuite.
Ctrl + Shift + Enter : Open Terminal window.
Ctrl + Shift + W : Close Terminal window.
Ctrl + Shift + L : Change window disposition.
Ctrl + Shift + T : Open terminal tab.
Ctrl + Shift + (🠐 🠑 🠒 🠓) : Change Terminal tab.
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T : Change tab name.
Ctrl + Shift + (, or .) : Change tab order.
Ctrl + Shift + R : Resize window.
Ctrl + Alt + Left Click : Select text.
Ctrl + Shift + U : Open hex help.
Ctrl + Shift + E : Look for URL's.
Ctrl + L : Clean Terminal window.
settarget (TARGET IP)
Config File: /home/$USER/.config/bin/
Change eth0 to your own ethernet status name.
Use command ifconfig
if you don't know your ethernet name.
Config File: /home/$USER/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
Config File: /home/$USER/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
For more information Click Here.
If you have this error:
zsh compinit: insecure files, run compaudit for list.
Ignore insecure files and continue [y] or abort compinit [n]?
Type: Y
Execute the following lines:
And it will give you a list of directories it thinks are unsecure.
sudo chown -R $USER:root target_directory
sudo chmod -R 755 target_directory
Config Files:
User File: /home/$USER/.p10k.zsh
Root File: /root/.p10k.zsh
Config File: /home/$USER/.zshrc