A flexible python library to interact with evm-like DEX. WEB3Dex library provide a unified interface for SC based on uniswap-fork. Based on web3.
- Avalance
- Bsc
- Cronos
- Ethereum
- Fantom
- Moonbeam
- Moonriver
- Polygon
pip install web3dex
Python script:
from web3dex.ethereum import Uniswap
uniswap = Uniswap()
USDC = "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48"
print("reserves: ", uniswap.reserves(USDC))
print("liquidity_in: ", uniswap.liquidity_in(USDC))
print("liquidity_out: ", uniswap.liquidity_out(USDC))
print("reserve_ratio: {:.18f}".format(uniswap.reserve_ratio(USDC)))
print("price: {:.18f}".format(uniswap.price(USDC)))
reserves: [64985095.457761, 32622.06165275629, 1660409488]
liquidity_in: 64985095.457761
liquidity_out: 32622.565503187332
reserve_ratio: 0.0005019929788971377
price: 0.000500486992281985
import web3dex
# setup env
uniswap = web3dex.ethereum.Uniswap()
USDC = "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48"
wallet_address = ""
private_key = ""
amount = 0.001
# approve token for wallet_address if now allowance
if not uniswap.check_approval(wallet_address, USDC):
tx = uniswap.approve(token=USDC, wallet_address=wallet_address)
signed_tx = uniswap.signTransaction(transaction = tx, private_key = private_key)
tx_hash = uniswap.sendTransaction(signed_transaction = signed_tx)
if not uniswap.waitTransaction(tx_hash):
raise Exception("TransactionExpection: " + tx_hash.hex())
# swap from base to token
tx = uniswap.swapFromBaseToTokens(amount, USDC, wallet_address)
signed_tx = uniswap.signTransaction(transaction = tx, private_key = private_key)
tx_hash = uniswap.sendTransaction(signed_transaction = signed_tx)
if not uniswap.waitTransaction(tx_hash):
raise Exception("TransactionExpection: " + tx_hash.hex())
# get updated balances
print("base balance {:.18f}".format(uniswap.balance(wallet_address)))
print("USDC balance {:.18f}".format(uniswap.balance(wallet_address, USDC)))
# swap from token to base
tx = uniswap.swapFromTokensToBase(amount, USDC, wallet_address)
signed_tx = uniswap.signTransaction(transaction = tx, private_key = private_key)
tx_hash = uniswap.sendTransaction(signed_transaction = signed_tx)
if not uniswap.waitTransaction(tx_hash):
raise Exception("TransactionExpection: " + tx_hash.hex())
- Define a new Dex config json in the chain folder (ex for
"PROVIDER": "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/9aa3d95b3bc440fa88ea12eaa4456161",
"FACTORY_ADDR": "0x5C69bEe701ef814a2B6a3EDD4B1652CB9cc5aA6f",
"ROUTER_ADDR": "0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D",
"FACTORY_ABI_FILE": "./abi/uniswapv2_factory_abi.json",
"ROUTER_ABI_FILE": "./abi/uniswapv2_router_abi.json",
"LIQUIDITY_ABI_FILE": "./abi/uniswapv2_liquidity_abi.json",
"BASE_CONTRACT": "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"
- Add new Dex object in the chain script (ex:
class Uniswap(Dex):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(configs + "/uniswap.json"))
- Add the class name into the
groups to be listed:
all = [