Recover the payloads of a Duckify BadUSB from a memory dump.
Reverse the process of duckify.
Whole process explained here.
Install from PyPI:
pip install unduckify
Or clone the repo and install with pip:
pip install .
usage: unduckify [-h] (-f FILE | -t TEST) [-l {hu,be,ca-cms,ru,se,cz,in,pl,ro,us,ch-fr,ch-de,fi,is,pt,pt-br,no,hr,dk,lv,lt,si,ee,gr,fr,de,ua,bg,ie,tr,gb,sk,it,es-la,es,ca-fr,nl}]
[-s {win,mac}] [-v]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE
-t TEST, --test TEST Provide a value list to test. Example: "0,6, 0,16, 0,7, 0,44, 2,36, 0,14"
-l {hu,be,ca-cms,ru,se,cz,in,pl,ro,us,ch-fr,ch-de,fi,is,pt,pt-br,no,hr,dk,lv,lt,si,ee,gr,fr,de,ua,bg,ie,tr,gb,sk,it,es-la,es,ca-fr,nl}, --layout {hu,be,ca-cms,ru,se,cz,in,pl,ro,us,ch-fr,ch-de,fi,is,pt,pt-br,no,hr,dk,lv,lt,si,ee,gr,fr,de,ua,bg,ie,tr,gb,sk,it,es-la,es,ca-fr,nl}
-s {win,mac}, --system {win,mac}
-v, --verbose