A new performance-focused way to add interactive client-side components to your web site.
Or, more technically: a framework independent partial hydration islands architecture implementation.
- View the demos
- Check out the initial screencast on Eleventy’s YouTube channel and the follow up screencast with more framework examples.
- Learn more about Islands Architecture
- Easy to add to existing components
- Zero dependencies
- Not tightly coupled to a server framework or site generator tool.
- Small footprint (1.79 kB compressed)
- Server-rendered (SSR) component examples available for SSR-friendly frameworks (Lit, Svelte, Vue, Preact are provided)
Examples for:
- Web Components
- Web Components using Declarative Shadow DOM (New in v3.0.0)
- Svelte (and SSR)
- Vue (and petite-vue) (and SSR)
- Preact (and SSR)
- Lit (and SSR)
- Alpine.js
- Embedded in Markdown
Component Attribute Support (New in v3) (Read more aboutdefer-hydration
at zachleat.com)- Using import maps to simplify import URLs.
- Renaming
tag name or theon:
attribute prefix - Experimental: Image Loading
- Stress test of 10000 islands
- Complex nested
Integrations in the wild: Eleventy, WebC, Slinkity, SvelteKit, Bridgetown, Lit
Available on npm at @11ty/is-land
npm install @11ty/is-land
<script type="module" src="/is-land.js"></script>
Add is-land.js
to your primary bundle.
It can be deferred and/or loaded asynchronously. When using with web components it must be loaded before any other custom elements (via customElements.define
) on the page. Choose your style:
<is-land>This is an island.</is-land>
Add any number of loading conditions to this tag to control how and when the island is initialized. You can mix and match. All conditions be satisfied to initialize.
(new in v5)on:idle
(defaults totouchstart,click
)- Change events with
- Change events with
- When Viewport size matches:
on:media="(min-width: 64em)"
- Reduced motion:
- When user prefers reduced motion
- When user has no preference on motion
on:media="(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)"
- When user prefers reduced motion
- When Viewport size matches:
- Save Data (read about Save Data on MDN)
- When Save Data is active
- When Save Data is inactive
- When Save Data is active
<is-land on:visible on:idle>
<!-- your HTML here -->
<is-land on:media="(min-width: 64em)">
<!-- Islands can be nested -->
<!-- Islands inherit all of their parents’ loading conditions -->
<is-land on:visible on:idle>
Put your pre-JS fallback content in your web component.
Place any post-JS content inside of one or more <template data-island>
elements anywhere in the <is-land>
. These will be swapped with their template content. You can nest an <is-land>
in there if you want!
<is-land on:visible on:idle>
<template data-island>
This component is post-JS.
- Use
to replace the contents of the<is-land>
with the template. - Use
to run a template’s contents once per page (keyed from template contents). (New in v2.0.1)
Embed a script inside the template to run custom JS when the island’s loading conditions have been satisfied!
<is-land on:visible>
<template data-island>
<!-- CSS -->
<style>/* My custom CSS */</style>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="my-css-file.css">
<!-- JS -->
<script type="module">console.log("Hydrating!");</script>
<script type="module" src="my-js-file.js"></script>
You can also use the ready
attribute for styling, added to the <is-land>
when the island has been hydrated.
is-land[ready] {
background-color: lightgreen;
: initialize a framework initialization type, registered by you. Examples included for:alpine
, orsvelte-ssr
Demos, examples, and source code are available for each framework listed here.
- Examples
- Small library (~9K)
- Rendering modes: Client
- Progressive-enhancement friendly (control fallback content)
<script type="module">
// Define once for any number of Petite Vue islands.
Island.addInitType("petite-vue", async (target) => {
const { createApp } = await import("https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/petite-vue.es.js");
<is-land on:visible type="petite-vue" v-scope="{ name: 'Vue' }">
Hello from <span v-html="name">HTML</span>
- Examples
- Larger library (~73 kB)
- Rendering modes: Client (shown), Server, Server + Client (Hydration)
<script type="module">
// Define once for any number of Vue islands.
Island.addInitType("vue", async (target) => {
const { createApp } = await import("https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/vue.esm-browser.js");
data: () => (target.dataset), // use <is-land data-> attributes as component data
<is-land on:visible type="vue" data-name="Vue">
Hello from <span v-text="name"></span>
- Examples (using Import Maps)
- Medium-sized library
- Rendering modes: Client, Server, Server + Client (Hydration)
- Requires a compiler for client mode (uncommon)
<script type="module">
// Define once for any number of Svelte islands.
Island.addInitType("svelte", async (target) => {
// requires an Import map and svelte is lazy loaded when island is ready
const { mount } = await import("svelte");
const component = await import(target.getAttribute("import"));
mount(component.default, {
target: target,
props: {},
<!-- This example uses an Eleventy `svelte` Universal Filter (see SveltePlugin.cjs) -->
{% assign component = "./lib/svelte/my-component-js-only.svelte" | svelte %}
<is-land on:visible type="svelte" import="{{ component.clientJsUrl }}"></is-land>
Show sample Import Map
<!-- importmap from https://generator.jspm.io/ -->
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"svelte": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/src/index-client.js",
"svelte/internal/client": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/src/internal/client/index.js",
"svelte/internal/flags/legacy": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/src/internal/flags/legacy.js"
"scopes": {
"https://unpkg.com/": {
"clsx": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/clsx.mjs",
"esm-env": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/index.js",
"esm-env/browser": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/true.js",
"esm-env/development": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/false.js",
"esm-env/node": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/false.js"
- Examples
- Small library (~9 kB)
- Rendering modes: Client (shown), Server, Server + Client (Hydration)
- No compiler needed when using
rather than JSX.
<script type="module">
// Define once for any number of Preact islands.
Island.addInitType("preact", async (target) => {
const component = await import(target.getAttribute("import"));
<is-land on:visible type="preact" import="preact-component.js"></is-land>
Example component code for preact-component.js
import { html, render } from 'https://unpkg.com/htm/preact/index.mjs?module'
function App (props) {
return html`<p><strong>Hello ${props.name}!</strong></p>`;
export default function(el) {
render(html`<${App} name="from Preact" />`, el);
- Examples (using Import Maps)
- Small library (~10 kB)
- Rendering modes: Client, Server, Server + Client (Hydration)
<is-land on:visible import="lit-component.js">
<lit-component name="Post-JS">Pre-JS Content</lit-web-component>
Show sample Import Map
<!-- importmap from https://generator.jspm.io/ -->
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"lit": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/index.js"
"scopes": {
"https://unpkg.com/": {
"@lit/reactive-element": "https://unpkg.com/@lit/[email protected]/reactive-element.js",
"lit-element/lit-element.js": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/lit-element.js",
"lit-html": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/lit-html.js",
"lit-html/is-server.js": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/is-server.js"
Example component code lit-component.js
import {html, css, LitElement} from "lit";
customElements.define('lit-component', class extends LitElement {
static properties = {
name: {type: String},
render() {
return html`<p>Hello, ${this.name || "Stranger"}!</p>`;
- Examples
- Smaller library (~20 kB)
- Rendering modes: Client
- Progressive-enhancement friendly (control fallback content)
<script type="module">
// Define once for any number of Alpine islands.
Island.addInitType("alpine", async (target) => {
await import("https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/cdn.min.js");
// Workaround for Alpine global mount
Island.addFallback("[x-data]", (readyPromise, node) => {
if(node.hasAttribute("x-ignore")) {
node.setAttribute("x-ignore", "");
return readyPromise.then(() => {
if(Alpine) {
Alpine.nextTick(() => Alpine.initTree(node));
<is-land on:visible type="alpine">
<div x-data="{ name: 'Alpine.js' }">
Hello from <span x-text="name">HTML</span>!
- Examples (using Import Maps)
- Medium library (~40 kB)
- Rendering modes: Client