Lindenmayer System,简称L-System,一种字符串并行重写系统,由匈牙利植物学家Aristid Lindenmayer在其1968研究关于生长发育过程中细胞交互作用的数学模型[1]中使用的形式文法,后发展出一套形式体系,广泛用于各类生物的形态模拟,以及自相似形体的生成。
Lindenmayer的继任者Prusinkiewicz在1992年著有 The Algorithm Beauty of Plants [2]一书,展示了许多精美的植物生成结构。
[1]. Mathematical models for cellular interactions in development I. Filaments with one-sided inputs
[2]. The Algorithm Beauty of Plants
#include "LSystem.hpp"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
LSystem::D0L_System lsys("A(4,5)F(1,2,3)B(4)", "F(x,y,z)->A(x+z,y-x)F(x-2,z-3,y-1)B(y/2)\nA(x,y)->B(x/2)A(y/2,x/2)B(y+1)");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << << endl;
return 0;
#include "LSystem.hpp"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
vector<string> prods = {
LSystem::D0L_System lsys("A(4,5)F(1,2,3)B(4)", prods);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << << endl;
return 0;
graph TB
Root([root]) --> LProdCallList[LProdCallList] --> LProdCall1[LProdCall1] --> s1[SymName]
LProdCallList --> LProdCall2[LProdCall2]
LProdCallList --> LProdCall3[...]
LProdCall1 --> ArgList[ArgList] --> ArgExpr1[ArgExpr1]
ArgList --> ArgExpr2[ArgExpr2]
ArgList --> ArgExpr3[...]
Root --> LSystem[LSystem] --> LProduction1[LProduction1] --> SymSrc[SymSrc] --> s2[SymName]
LSystem --> LProduction2[LProduction2]
LSystem --> LProduction3[...]
SymSrc --> ParamList[ParamList] --> Param1[Param1]
ParamList --> Param2[Param2]
ParamList --> Param3[...]
LProduction1 --> SymDstList[SymDstList] --> SymDst1[SymDst1] --> s3[SymName]
SymDstList --> SymDst2[SymDst2]
SymDstList --> SymDst3[...]
SymDst1 --> ParamMapList[ParamMapList] --> ParamMap1[ParamMap1]
ParamMapList --> ParamMap2[ParamMap2]
ParamMapList --> ParamMap3[...]
F(x,y) -> A(x+y,x-y,x*y)F(x/y,x+1)B((x+y+z)/3)
graph TB
T([LProduction]) --> A
T --> B_dst_list
A["F(x,y)"] --> A_symname[F]
A --> A_p_list["(x,y)"] --> A_p1[x]
A_p_list --> A_p2[y]
B_dst_list["A(x+y,x-y,x*y)F(x/y,x+1)B((x+y+z)/3)"] --> B_dst1["A(x+y,x-y,x*y)"] --> S_name[A]
B_dst_list --> B_dst2["F(x/y,x+1)"]
B_dst_list --> B_dst3["B((x+y+z)/3)"]
B_dst1 --> param_map_list["(x+y,x-y,x*y)"] --> param_map1["x+y"]
param_map_list --> param_map2["x-y"]
param_map_list --> param_map3["x*y"]