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This project aims to analyze trends in movie production and popularity over the decades using a synthetic dataset of 30,000 movies released between 1980 and 2020. The dataset includes various details about the movies, such as titles, directors, genres, release dates, durations, and ratings.
The dataset is sourced from Kaggle and contains 30,000 synthetic records of movies. It is generated using the Faker library in Python and covers a diverse range of movie genres including Action, Comedy, Drama, Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Fantasy, Documentary, and Adventure.
- Title: Movie title (string)
- Director: Director name (string)
- Genre: Movie genre (string)
- Release Date: Date when the movie was released (datetime)
- Duration: Length of the movie in minutes (integer)
- Rating: Rating score of the movie (1-10, float)
- Trend Analysis: Study trends in movie production and popularity over the decades.
- Genre Popularity: Visualize the popularity of different movie genres over time.
- Director Insights: Analyze the impact and trends of various directors' works.
- Rating Distribution: Understand the distribution of movie ratings over the years.
The project includes several interactive visualizations to explore the data:
- Genre Popularity Graph: Displays the popularity of different genres over the selected year range.
- Rating Distribution Gauge: Shows the distribution of movie ratings.
- Director-Specific Insights: Focus on individual directors to see their contributions to different genres.