Minigames for the Jailbreak/Hosties game mode on Counter-Strike: Source.
The plugins are powered by SourceMod and written in its embedded scripting language SourcePawn.
- You need to have a working CS:S server. You can set one up using SteamCMD.
- You need to install Metamod:Source. SourceMod requires it.
- Install SourceMod.
- Perform any further server configuration (edit /cstrike/cfg/server.cfg; add yourself as admin; install SM_Hosties v2; etc.)
- Place the compiled binaries at /cstrike/addons/sourcemod/plugins/ and start the server.
- }HeLL{ Clan - an online gaming community.
The initial goal was to have fun both developing and playing these games live. They were designed as a new feature to }HeLL{'s Jailbreak server that PayAdmins and clan members could use.
Thanks to anyone who provides any form of feedback - positive/negative. This project wouldn't have progressed if it wasn't for people like you.
Personally, If it was used even for once and people smiled, laughed and enjoyed it for even 1 round, that already satisfies me... I'm sure its the same for ici. I don't think it was a waste of time and effort if this was removed. At lease people enjoyed it and that was my/our goal. Me and ici enjoyed coding it as well --Nomy
If you would like to contribute, you can hit me up on Steam:
The current version of the plugin that is running on }HeLL{ is quite outdated. My plan is to clean up the source and apply good software engineering practices I have learned throughout the years. I have decided to make the project open-source in hope to get more people from the community into programming. Thus I provide you guys with an API/wrapper which makes developing new special days much easier. This API is designed to simplify some of the tedious work one has to go through when creating a SD and also keeps things tidy and organized. Having said that, I will try to address some of the issues discussed in the negative feedback threads. I will try to add an auto updater and finally - port all the old games and potentially add some of the newly suggested so that you see how they're made.
I use Notepad++ 32-bit and these handy helpers.