This repository will help you build a Golang microservices project faster and optimized
- Actor: Golang projects
- Programming language: Golang
- Feature supports:
- Gorilla Mux (HTTP Router)
- Negroni (HTTP Middleware)
- Elastic APM (Elastic Application Performance Monitoring)
- OpenTracing (Tracing)
- ElasticSearch (DocumentDB)
- Redis (Multiple client)
- Viper (Read application configuration)
- Kafka
go get -u
- Get starting with:
type ExampleHandler struct {
Foo string
func (h *ExampleHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
transport.OKJson(w, map[string]interface{}{
"foo": h.Foo
func onClose() {}
func main() {
//Create a new HTTP Server with name and close function to callback when closing the server
s := NewServer("test_server", onClose)
routes := transport.Transport{
PathPrefix: "/api/v1", //Set path prefix for every route
Routes: []transport.Route{
Path: "/", //Path
Method: "GET", //HTTP Method
Handler: &ExampleHandler{ //HTTP Handler
Foo: "bar"
//Adding routes to transport
//Starting run HTTP Server
Run with:
go run main.go -http-port=8080 -log-level=debug -skip-config=true
Verify with:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/health
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1