The Hotel Booking System API, allows the user to add his/her personal information (including the payment info). Also allowed to them to search by hotel location, by date, and by room category. Then the user can book his/her room for 1 or several days. The booking process must be approved by the 'Payment Service API' (which imaginary connected to a credit card company). Finally, the system will send an email to notify the hotel and the user.
- Java 8
- PostgreSql 11
- Spring Framework version 5.2.7
- JMS Queues
- JMS Topic
- Log4j
- Apache CFX
- Tomcat 8.5
- User can register new account and add payment information
- User can book a room for 1 or several days
- Booking API will check available rooms for a specific hotel on a specific date
- PaymentService will send confirmation about the user payment info (valid or not)
- Sending an email to the user (just a console message for now. But Its ready to send an email using Gmail SMTP)
- Add functionality to send email notifiaction to the hotel
- Continue adding Junit testing to the whole project
- Continue adding logging to the whole project
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