This add-on provides an SMTP server that aggregates and relays emails it can and does forward mail to e.g. Gmail, or to a local pre-production testing environment.
- Listens for incoming emails
- Aggregates matching pairs of emails (e.g., invoices and statements)
- Forwards aggregated emails to a specified SMTP server
Example add-on configuration:
outgoing_port: 587
outgoing_secure: false
outgoing_auth_user: your_username
outgoing_auth_pass: your_password
incoming_port: 5025
aggregate_subject: "Consolidated Invoice and Statement for {name}"
aggregate_bodyFile: "body.txt"
aggregate_waitForUpToMinutes: 5
aggregate_checkExpiryEverySeconds: 10
sendQueue_threads: 3
sendQueue_pollIntervalSeconds: 5
sendQueue_failure_retries: 5
sendQueue_failure_pauseMinutes: 1
The hostname of the SMTP server to forward emails to.
The port of the outgoing SMTP server.
[Continue with explanations for all options]
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