This is a partial JavaScript port of the 3D Tune-In Toolkit. The features that have been successfully ported and exposed are:
- Hearing loss simulation
- Hearing aid simulation
- Binaural spatialisation
Note that although these features work, their full APIs are not necessarily provided. If you want to add something to the JavaScript API, please add it to JsWrapperGlue.cpp and submit a PR.
At the moment, there is no reverberation support.
The library is ported using Emscripten sorcery.
To see the port in action, go visit the 3D Tune-In Online Toolkit website.
Technical details about the 3D Tune-In Toolkit spatialiser are described in:
Cuevas-Rodríguez M, Picinali L, González-Toledo D, Garre C, de la Rubia-Cuestas E, Molina-Tanco L and Reyes-Lecuona A. (2019) 3D Tune-In Toolkit: An open-source library for real-time binaural spatialisation. PLOS ONE 14(3): e0211899.
npm i @reactify/3dti-toolkit
For use directly in the browser, download the appropriate version of 3dti-toolkit.js
(or 3dti-toolkit.debug.js
) from the Releases page.
and 3dti-toolkit.debug.js
(debug version, duh) exposes an AudioToolkit
function that instantiates the toolkit.
<script src="3dti-toolkit.js"></script>
const toolkit = AudioToolkit()
import AudioToolkit from '@reactify/3dti-toolkit'
const toolkit = AudioToolkit()
If you need to do some debugging you can import the more debug build:
import AudioToolkit from '@reactify/3dti-toolkit/build/3dti-toolkit.debug.js'
The stars are not fully aligned in the documentation kosmos, so you will have to reference JsWrapperGlue.cpp (the stuff inside EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS(Toolkit) { ... }
) for the full API.
The way you generally consume the toolkit is to:
- create instances of the features you want,
- create toolkit provided buffers (
, orEarPairBuffers
) to hold your audio, and - process audio inside a
and copy the audio data from your toolkit buffers to the browser's buffers.
import AudioToolkit from '@reactify/3dti-toolkit'
const toolkit = AudioToolkit()
const audioContext = new AudioContext()
// Instantiate the feature you want to use, here a
// completely imaginary one.
const instance = new toolkit.FicticiousFeature()
// Create buffers to temporarly hold your audio data
const inputBuffers = new toolkit.CStereoBuffer()
inputBuffers.resize(1024, 0)
const outputBuffers = new toolkit.CStereoBuffer()
outputBuffers.resize(1024, 0)
// Create a ScriptProcessorNode
const processorNode = audioContext.createScriptProcessor(512, 2, 2)
// Process audio in the processorNode's onaudioprocess
// event callback
processorNode.onaudioprocess = audioProcessingEvent => {
const { inputBuffer, outputBuffer } = audioProcessingEvent
// Copy the audio data to your toolkit buffers
for (let i = 0; i < processorNode.bufferSize; i++) {
inputBuffers.set(i * 2, inputBuffer.getChannelData(0)[i])
inputBuffers.set(i * 2 + 1, inputBuffer.getChannelData(1)[i])
// Let the toolkit do its thang
instance.Process(inputBuffers, outputBuffers)
// Copy back the processed audio data to the processor
// node's buffers
for (let i = 0; i < processorNode.bufferSize; i++) {
outputBuffer.getChannelData(0)[i] = outputBuffers.get(i * 2)
outputBuffer.getChannelData(1)[i] = outputBuffers.get(i * 2 + 1)
// Mind your ears!
const masterVolume = audioContext.createGain()
masterVolume.gain.setValueAtTime(0.2, audioContext.currentTime)
// Connect the processor node to your audio chain
and CHearingAidSim
both provide a Process(...)
method that you would normally use to process your audio. However, due to issues with porting the toolkit's CEairPair
class, these are not available in this port. Instead, you are provided with HearingLossSim_Process(...)
and HearingAidSim_Process(...)
import AudioToolkit from '@reactify/3dti-toolkit'
const toolkit = AudioToolkit()
const hearingLossSimulator = new toolkit.CHearingLossSim()
const hearingAidSimulator = new toolkit.CHearingAidSim()
// Do code things...
// When it's time to process the audio:
inputBuffers, // An instance of EarPairBuffers
outputBuffers // An instance of EarPairBuffers
// Same for the hearing aid simulator
inputBuffers, // An instance of EarPairBuffers
outputBuffers // An instance of EarPairBuffers
Due to severe trickiness in porting the toolkit's core and binaural features directly to JavaScript, a BinauralAPI
wrapper provides the core functionality:
import AudioToolkit from '@reactify/3dti-toolkit'
const binauralApi = new toolkit.BinauralAPI()
// Create a listener
const listener = binauralApi.CreateListener()
// Create a source
const source = binauralApi.CreateSource()
The original toolkit accepts .sofa
or .3dti-hrtf
files as HRTF inputs. The latter has been ported and is most easily used through a few helper functions:
import AudioToolkit from '@reactify/3dti-toolkit'
import {
} from '@reactify/3dti-toolkit/lib/binaural/hrtf.js'
const toolkit = AudioToolkit()
const binauralApi = new toolkit.BinauralAPI()
// Create a listener (with a custom head radius if you want)
const listener = binauralApi.CreateListener(0.08)
// Fetch an HRTF file
fetchHrtfFile('/url/to/file.3dti-hrtf').then(hrtfData => {
// Register the HRTF file with
const virtualHrtfFilePath = registerHrtf(toolkit, 'file.3dti-hrtf', hrtfData)
// Set the HRTF using the toolkit API.
// (The toolkit will read data from a virtual file system,
// which is why we register it in the command above.)
toolkit.HRTF_CreateFrom3dti(virtualHrtfFilePath, listener)
You can also use the legacy solution, namely to fetch an array of HRIR wav files and create the listener using those HRIRs. The only supported set of HRIRs at the moment is IRC_1032_C_R0195.
import AudioToolkit from '@reactify/3dti-toolkit'
import { fetchHrirsVector } from '@reactify/3dti-toolkit/lib/binaural/hrir.js'
const toolkit = AudioToolkit()
const audioContext = new AudioContext()
// Array of URLs to .wav files
const hrirUrls = [/* ... */]
// Fetch, decode and translate the .wav files
fetchHrirsVector(hrirUrls, toolkit, audioContext).then(hrirsVector => {
// Now create the listener using the loaded HRIRs
const listener = binauralApi.CreateListenerWithHRIRs(hrirsVector, 0.0875)
The Emscripten compiler is called emcc
. You need the emcc
binary to be executable and globally accessible from the terminal, together with its dependencies. To download, install and setup emcc
, go to the Emscripten downloads page.
To run the development environment you need node
and npm
, which you can install here.
Emscripten ships with its own copy of node
, but you should configure it to use your globally installed one.
Do that by changing the NODE_JS
variable in the .emscripten
configuration file located in your home directory, to the path to your global node
executable. (Propably /usr/local/bin/node
or C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe
# Install the toolkit core submodule
git submodule init
git submodule update
# Install node dependencies
npm install
node ./compile.js -h
- Bump version, build and publish to npm:
npm version patch|minor|major
npm run prep-release
npm publish
- Push the version commit and tag created by
npm version
git push && git push --tags
- Go to the releases page on the repo GitHub page and draft a new release from the pushed tag. Give it a title, description and upload all files in
. Publish!
This software was developed by a team coordinated by
- Lorenzo Picinali (Imperial College London). Contact: [email protected]
- Arcadio Reyes-Lecuona (University of Malaga). Contact: [email protected]
The members of the development team were (in alphabetical order):
This library is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 license. See LICENSE for details.
This is a partial JavaScript port of the 3D Tune-In Toolkit. The 3D Tune-In Toolkit and the 3D Tune-In Resource Management Package are both Copyright (c) University of Malaga and Imperial College London – 2018.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 644051.