Discord tag: mrsirsquishy Everything me: https://mrsirsquishy.notion.site/mrsirsquishy/Squishy-e825d3a72f29453799f6970e7d0dd107#328c79ebd3324f14be7cd7c743cb99a3
Documentation: https://mrsirsquishy.notion.site/Squishy-API-Guide-3e72692e93a248b5bd88353c96d8e6c5
- Smooth Head: Smooths your head movement and also adds some more depth to it's movement as well
- Smooth Head + Neck: Similar to Smooth Head but also takes into account a neck bone to they are integrated well
- Eye Movement: Easy to add Eye movement that can work on basically any general eye shape through the use of parabolic curves.
- Blink script: Just a simple script that runs a specified blink animation when needed
- Ear Physics: This will add physics to your ears when you move, jump, crouch, or move your head, and it also adds a disableable ear flick animation randomly for added depth.
- Tail Physics: This will add phsycis to your tails when you spin, move, jump, etc. Has capabilites for wag modification, and is very versatile in how you'd like to control it.
- Tiddy Physics: A simple to modify bewb physic script, with configurable bodaciousness.
- Animated Texture script:A simplified script for animated textures so you don't have to give yourself a headache.
- FP hand adjust: A simple script that just moves the first person hand.
- Centaur Body Physics: Have a centaur body? With some correct pivot stucturing you can get your centaur body to move accurately when jumping and falling.
- Crouch Animation: A simple script that can either have a specific crouch pose, or better yet have an animation for crouching and uncrouching.
- Walk/Run animations: This allows you to smoothly play walk and run animations without snapping.
- Floating Points: These are points that will float to a designated position rather than just follow a players movement. Good for stuff like fairies, pets, miscelanious floating objects, or floaty avatar models.
- Bounce Walk: This will make your avatar slightly bounce when you walk, good for smaller cuter models to make them look like they're hopping around(also affects physics of other objects)
- Smooth Torso: This will make your body/torso move smoothly based on where you are looking to make it look like your avatar is bending in the direction
- Control Variables: variables that control certain aspects like eye scale, blink enabling, tailwag, etc. that can be modified in your script. good for emotes.
- Linear Graph: returns y value of input t value of the linear graph between two points
- Parabolic Graph: returns y value of input t value of the parabolic graph between three points
- Bounce Object: creates a bounce object that when doBounce is run will bounce towards a target smoothly based on preset settings.