Standalone launcher similar to Unity's Configuration tool.
- project's folder in user/documents to place a config file in
Creates a config file that contains the following settings (can enable/disable any of those, check beginning of main.c):
- screen resolution (set from the list of available screen resolutions of a primary monitor retrived by WinAPI)
- display mode (windowed, borderless and fullscreen)
- fps cap for windowed/borderless display modes
- vsync for fullscreen mode (double/triple buffer)
- graphics quality (low, medium, high, ultra)
- input keybindings (atm no gamepad support)
- language
- path to game's executable (in case end-user messed something up)
And at the end it launches the game's executable! Which is defined automatically (work_dir + project's name + .exe) OR can be done by hand.
All you need to do is initialize all the settings from the config file at the start of your game (check out example folder).
There is a compiled version which can be found inside of example/bin folder.
- no gamepad support for keybindings (only mouse+keyboard) as I don't own xinput device. I might add support in future;
This tool uses:
- imgui wrapper/plugin which was originally made by Patrick Jendral (jenGs), edited by forum members Txesmi and EVO. Original sources can be found here: and and
- WinAPI to find all supported resolutions of the primary monitor (big thanks to forum members Superku and Emre).