3D City Database 5.0 CLI to import/export city model data and to run database operations.
The citydb-tool is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
file for more details.
The latest stable release of the citydb-tool is 0.11.0-beta
Download the latest citydb-tool release as ZIP package here. Previous releases are available from the releases section.
- To file bugs found in the software create a GitHub issue.
- To contribute code for fixing filed issues create a pull request with the issue id.
- To propose a new feature create a GitHub issue and open a discussion.
Download and unzip the latest release or build the program from
source. Afterwards, open a shell environment and run the citydb
script from the program folder to launch the
program. Another option is to use the citydb-tool Docker image.
To show the help message and all available commands of the citydb-tool, simply type the following:
> citydb --help
This will print the following usage information:
Usage: citydb [-hV] [-L=<level>] [--log-file=<file>] [--pid-file=<file>]
[@<filename>...] COMMAND
Command-line interface for the 3D City Database.
[@<filename>...] One or more argument files containing options.
-L, --log-level=<level> Log level: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
(default: info).
--log-file=<file> Write log messages to this file.
--pid-file=<file> Create a file containing the process ID.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
help Display help information about the specified command.
import Import data in a supported format.
export Export data in a supported format.
delete Delete features from the database.
index Perform index operations on the database.
To get help about a specific command of the citydb-tool, enter the following and replace COMMAND
with the name of
the command you want to learn more about:
> citydb help COMMAND
- Java 17 or higher
The citydb-tool can be run on any platform providing appropriate Java support.
Currently, we offer an edge
Docker image of the tool, which is built from the latest commit to the main
The image supports the most common architectures (amd64
, arm64
) and is available from Dockerhub or GitHub packages.
docker pull 3dcitydb/citydb-tool:edge
docker pull ghcr.io/3dcitydb/citydb-tool:edge
The Docker image exposes the commands of the citydb-tool
, as described
in the usage section.
The environment variables listed below can be used to specify a 3DCityDB v5 connection. To exchange data with the
container, mount a host folder to /data
inside the container.
docker run --rm --name citydb-tool [-i -t] \
[-e CITYDB_HOST=the.host.de] \
[-e CITYDB_PORT=5432] \
[-e CITYDB_NAME=theDBName] \
[-e CITYDB_SCHEMA=theCityDBSchemaName] \
[-e CITYDB_USERNAME=theUsername] \
[-e CITYDB_PASSWORD=theSecretPass] \
[-v /my/data/:/data] \
3dcitydb/citydb-tool[:TAG] COMMAND
The citydb-tool uses Gradle as build system. To build the program from source, clone the repository to your local machine and run the following command from the root of the repository.
> gradlew installDist
The script automatically downloads all required dependencies for building and running the citydb-tool. So make sure you are connected to the internet. The build process runs on all major operating systems and only requires a Java 11 JDK or higher to run.
If the build was successful, you will find the citydb-tool package under citydb-cli/build/install