A lightweight timesheet system for State (or whomever) employees. A fork of nad2000's Flask-Timesheets.
- An easy-to-use Timesheet entry system for employees, including the ability to allot hours spent on a project to a particular Grant Award and Grant Award Task/Service Area.
- A back-end that makes it easy for managers to set up and maintain standard allocations, monitor employee hours, approve timesheets, etc.
- Make a platform that is suited to the State of Rhode Island's needs, but easily adaptable to other states, municipalities, organizations, etc.
- Move to PostgreSQL for Heroku purposes.
- Create allocations model.
- Update Data Models for:
- Agency
- User
- 12-Factor-ize, particularly for ENV variables.
- Remove raw sql queries in favor of pee-wee or SQLAlchemy
- Break out Documentation for Docker Dev v. Non-Docker Dev
- Clean up clear technical debt (my God the pylint scores...)
- Users / Employees:
- Initial Import from Payroll System of:
- Names
- Job Titles
- Classification
- Eligible for Overtime
- Employee ID Number
- Generated / Gathered:
- Usernames
- Ideally SSO to Office 365/Google Apps, but that's far off.
- Supervisor (Hierarchical, gains supervisor-admin permissions)
- Emergency Contact
- Physical Working Location (Emergency Purposes)
- Normal working hours (if applicable)
- Usernames
- Initial Import from Payroll System of:
- Timesheets:
- Hours - Categorized:
- Normal working
- Exception:
- Vacation
- Sick
- Personal
- Bereavement
- Holiday (which we should know in advance)
- Jury Duty
- Workers Compensation
- Union Duties
- Training, Conference, or Seminar
- Other
- For employees eligible for Overtime, calculation of overtime hours.
- Approval by Supervisor
- Timestamped
- Upon approval, timesheet data eligible for export
- Ideally, summary dashboard with employee timesheet data, exception hours, etc.
- Lookback:
- 90 day retrospective analysis of actual hours worked on a particular grant as a proportion of 100% of total worked hours, in order to properly allot exception hours to those grants proportionally.
- Running average calculated at time of timesheet entry
- Hours - Categorized:
- Allocations:
- Grant Award - If an employee is doing work related to a Federal or other grant, the name/ID of the grant in question.
- Grant Award Task - The Grant Task (or Service Area) the employee was working on.
- Pay Period: The two-week cycle in which employees are paid.
- Agency:
- The Agency for whom the employee works.
- The accounting system Agency Code corresponding to this Agency.
- Cost Center:
- Agencies have different "cost centers" across different divisions and functions.
- Additional fields necessary? Facilities list?
- Reminders (via Mailgun):
- Employees - Input your time.
- Managers - Approve timesheets.
- Export Files for:
- Payroll Systems (specifically old-school Mainframes)
- ERPs (specifically Oracle E-Business Suite)
- Request for Time Off
- Subject to Supervisor Approval Process
- API: - Establish a standard timesheet POST API for devices like timeclocks, punch-card systems, barcode readers, etc.
docker run --name db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test -d -p 3306:3306 mariadb
# -e -- environment
# -d -- run as a daemon
# -p -- map ports
docker run --name mysql-client -it --link db:mysql --rm mariadb sh -c 'exec mysql -uroot -ptest -hmysql'
# -it -- interactive
# --rm -- remove after exiting
docker build -t state_time .
## -t -- tag
docker run -id -p 5000:5000 -v $HOME/:/opt/state_time --name blog --link db:mysql state_time bash
# -id -- interactive and daemon
# -v -- mount a volume
docker exec -it blog bash
# -it -- interactive terminal
python create_demo_db.py # Cleverly, creates the demo database.
./manage.py runserver
docker inspect blog