This package consolidates functions for managing LetsGo tenants, users, and users' memberhips in tenants, including invitations. It also support management of tenant's subscriptions and keeping track of changes in subscription plans.
- AddIdentityToTenantOptions
- CreateInvitationOptions
- CreateTenantOptions
- DeleteInvitationOptions
- DeleteTenantOptions
- GetIdentitiesOfTenantOptions
- GetInvitationOptions
- GetInvitationsOptions
- GetTenantOptions
- GetTenantsOfIdentityOptions
- Invitation
- IsIdentityInTenantOptions
- PutTenantOptions
- RemoveIdentityFromTenantOptions
- SubscriptionPlan
- SubscriptionPlanChange
- Tenant
- addIdentityToTenant
- createInvitation
- createTenant
- deleteInvitation
- deleteTenant
- getIdentitiesOfTenant
- getInvitation
- getInvitations
- getTenant
- getTenantsOfIdentity
- isIdentityInTenant
- putTenant
- reconcileSubscriptionStatus
- removeIdentityFromTenant
- setNewPlan
• Const
IdentityTenantCategory: "letsgo-identity-tenant"
The database category for items representing a specific tenant's users.
• Const
InvitationCategory: "letsgo-invitation"
The database category for items representing invitations for a specific tenant.
• Const
TenantCategory: "letsgo-tenant"
The database category for items representing LetsGo tenants.
• Const
TenantIdentityCategory: "letsgo-tenant-identity"
The database category for items representing a specific user's access to tenants.
▸ addIdentityToTenant(options
): Promise
Adds a new user to a tenant.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
AddIdentityToTenantOptions |
Options for adding the user. |
▸ createInvitation(options
): Promise
Create an invitation to join a tenant.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
CreateInvitationOptions |
Options for creating the invitation. |
New invitation
▸ createTenant(options
): Promise
Creates a new tenant. The new tenant has a unique ID and is associated with the DefaultPlanId
subscription plan defined in the @letsgo/pricing package.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
CreateTenantOptions |
Options for creating the tenant. |
The newly created tenant.
▸ deleteInvitation(options
): Promise
Revoke an inviation to join a tenant.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
DeleteInvitationOptions |
Options for deleting the invitation. |
▸ deleteTenant(options
): Promise
| undefined
Deletes a tenant. No data is removed from the database, but the tenant is marked as deleted.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
DeleteTenantOptions |
Options for deleting the tenant. |
| undefined
The deleted tenant, or undefined if the tenant was alrady deleted or does not exist.
▸ getIdentitiesOfTenant(options
): Promise
Get users who are members of a specific tenant.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
GetIdentitiesOfTenantOptions |
Options for getting the users. |
Array of users who are members of the tenant.
▸ getInvitation(options
): Promise
| undefined
Gets an existing invitation to join a tenant.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
GetInvitationOptions |
Options for getting the invitation. |
| undefined
The invitation if it exists and has not expired, undefined otherwise.
▸ getInvitations(options
): Promise
Returns all active, non-expired invitations for a given tenant.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
GetInvitationsOptions |
Options for getting the invitations. |
Array of active invitations.
▸ getTenant(options
): Promise
| undefined
Get an existing tenant. If the tenant is deleted, it is returned only if options.includeDeleted
is true.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
GetTenantOptions |
Options for getting the tenant. |
| undefined
The tenant if it exists and is not deleted, undefined otherwise.
▸ getTenantsOfIdentity(options
): Promise
Get tenants a specific user has access to.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
GetTenantsOfIdentityOptions |
Options for getting the tenants. |
Array of tenants the user has access to.
▸ isIdentityInTenant(options
): Promise
Checks if a user is a member of a tenant.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
IsIdentityInTenantOptions |
Options for checking the membership. |
True if the user is member of the tenant, false otherwise.
▸ putTenant(options
): Promise
Update a tenant.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
PutTenantOptions |
Options for updating the tenant. |
The updated tenant.
▸ reconcileSubscriptionStatus(tenant
, identity
): Promise
| undefined
Update the status of the Stripe subscription for a LetsGo tenant based on the source of truth in Stripe.
Name | Type | Description |
tenant |
Tenant |
LetsGo tenant to update the subscription status for. |
identity |
Identity |
The idenantity of the user who triggered the update. |
| undefined
The updated tenant if the subscription status changed, undefined if there were no changes in status.
▸ removeIdentityFromTenant(options
): Promise
Removes a user from a tenant.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
RemoveIdentityFromTenantOptions |
Options for removing the user. |
▸ setNewPlan(tenant
, planId
, identity
): void
Update the tenant with a new plan ID and record the change.
Name | Type | Description |
tenant |
Tenant |
The tenant to update. |
planId |
string |
The new plan ID. |
identity |
Identity |
The identity of the user who made the change. |