Ionic framework library for the Angular 2 JSON Schema Form this is the upgraded version with CSS support of angular2-json-schema-form-ionic
Ensure you have already installed and configured Ionic2+ and Angular 2 JSON Schema Form.
To install this library, run:
$ npm install ionic-json-schema-form --save
and then from your IONIC AppModule
// Import the library
import { IonicFrameworkModule } from 'ionic-json-schema-form';
imports: [
// Specify the library as an import
// Configure angular2-json-schema-form to load the IonicFrameworkModule
export class AppModule { }
Once the library is imported, you can use angular2-json-schema-form as normal and components should be replaced with their Ionic counterparts:
<!-- You can now use the library component in a template -->
<json-schema-form [form]="schema" [model]="model" (onSubmit)="onSubmit($event)" (onChanges)="onChange($event)" >