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The TroubleTunnel is a socket proxy testing and debugging utility.


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BETA 1.0 May 09, 2014


Faster than a speeding bullet! Slower than a tortoise packed in cement! Reliably unreliable! The worst nightmare for networking code, and your best friend in testing that code!

TroubleTunnel (TT) is a testing and debugging tool for networked applications. TT helps you find problems in your networking code by simulating the worst conditions your applications are likely to face.

Use the power in the service of Good, my friend.

Great, How Does It Work?

TroubleTunnel is socket proxy that you can configure for various levels of latency and reliability. To use TT:

  • Create a configuration file.
  • Start TT. TT begins listening on the ports you configured.
  • Connect your application to TT.

TT connects to the destination endpoint and proxies network traffic between your application and the destination endpoint. Then TT springs into action, wreaking havoc on the connection in any way you choose. Your application handles the problems, or you fix the bugs.

Building TT

TT requires:

  • Java 1.6 or later
  • ant

Clone the TT repository, navigate to the root directory, and type

$ ant

Anticlimactic, but easy.

When you build TT, ant makes a trouble-tunnel executable and a trouble-tunnel.jar file in the dist directory. These are the files you need to copy to install trouble-tunnel in a different location.

Running TT

Running TT is also easy. Just start trouble-tunnel with the name of the configuration file:

$ trouble-tunnel

TT runs, lying in wait for your application to connect. When your application connects, TT forwards traffic to the actual destination, applying the filters you have configured on the way.

Configuring TT

TT uses JSON-format files for configuration. Each entry in the JSON file defines a route. A route is:

  • The local port for TT to listen on.
  • The remote host and port for TT to forward network traffic to.
  • Filters for TT to apply to traffic on the route. Filters are how TT causes trouble.
  • Where to keep the log files for the route.

Here's an example configuration file that contains two routes:

  {"name": "here->B",
   "log_dir": "log-2B",
   "filters": [
     {"type" : "Wan",
      "description" : "WAN simulator from here to B",
      "median_latency" : 1

  {"name": "here->C",
   "log_dir": "log-Not2B"

The first route, here->B, routes traffic from localhost:9004 to B:9004. The route logs to the directory log-2B. The route applies a single filter, the wan filter, and sets a parameter on the filter.

The second route, here->C, routes traffic from localhost:9005 to C:9004. The route logs to the directory log-Not2B (because packets are either 2B or Not2B, if you had a question about the name). This route applies no filters.

You can have any number of routes in the JSON file. Each route can have any number of filters. (Technically, yeah, there's probably a limit, and you can probably find that limit if you want to. But it should be enough for any practical purpose.)

Need a formal definition? The JSON file contains an array. Each element of the array is a map that defines a route. A route needs a name, a port to listen_on, and a remote_addr to forward traffic to. Each route may have a log_dir and a filters array.

Each entry on th filters array is a map and must at least have a type value.

Filters in the filters array are constructed and chained together in the order they're listed in the config file.

When data arrives at a route it is passed through each filter in order, starting with the first entry in the filters array, with the output of the previous filter passsing into subsequent filters.

At initialization time, TT uses he type entry in each filter map in the filters array to dynamically create an instance of a subclass of com.crankuptheamps.ttunnel.filters.Filter. If the type value specifies the absolute Class name of a subclass of Filter, TT will create a new instance of it for the route. If the Class isn't found, TT will next try to crate an instance of com.crankuptheamps.ttunnel.filters.<type>Filter

Subclasses of the Filter class must provide a public constructor that accepts a java.util.Properties object. Any entries in the filter configuration map aside from the type entry are turned into a Properties object that is then provided to the Filter implementation's constructor.

So, while the type entry is always required for each map in the filters array, other entries may be required depending on the requirements of the Filter implementation specified in the type entry.

Everybody's Got Troubles

The filters are what makes TT tick. TT comes with a core set of filters, and it's easy to write your own (see the next section, and please contribute your filters back to the repository!)

These are the filters that come with TT:

  • Chaotic: This filter adds a random amount of latency from between 0 to 1000 milliseconds.
  • Disconnect: This filter randomly disconnects. The filter takes two parameters.
    • min_uptime the minimum amount of time before disconnecting, in milliseconds.
    • max_uptime the maximum amount of time without disconnecting, in milliseconds.
  • RandomBit: Randomly flips a bit in packets traveling through TT. The filter takes one parameter:
    • probability the likelihood of flipping a bit
  • RandomByte: Replaces bytes in the packets traveling through TT with random values. The filter takes one parameter:
    • probability the likelihood of flipping a byte
  • Wan: Simulate latency on a WAN. The filter takes one parameter:
    • median_latency median latency to add, in milliseconds
  • Zero: Zeros the values in packets traveling through TT.

Your Own Private Trouble

Ready for some real havoc? Want to see if your application can handle something truly odd? Want to generate specific trouble that you know your application will run into? Custom filters are for you!

Implementing your own, custom Filter for TT is as simple as extending the com.crankuptheamps.ttunnel.filters.Filter class. Luckily, you'll find the source for all of the core Filter implementations (listed in the previous section) in src directory of the project.

Extending the Filter class involves implementing three simple methods:

  • a public constructor
  • and two filter methods.

Here's a trivial example from the test suite that doesn't actually alter the data stream at all:

package com.crankuptheamps.ttunnel.filters;

import com.crankuptheamps.ttunnel.ConnectionProcessor;

public class NoFilter extends Filter {

    public NoFilter(ConnectionProcessor proc, Properties config) {
        super(proc, config);

    public int filter(int datum) {
        return datum;

    public int filter(byte[] b, int off, int len) {
        return len;


The configuration and initialization procedure for Filters is documented in the Configuring TT section above. In this case, the following filters configuration would add a NoFilter instance to a route's filter chain:

   "filters": [
     {"type" : "No",
      "description" : "Simple pass-through filter",
      "foo": "bar",

Simple! Here's how it works: On startup, TT will first look for a class named No. Assuming that fails, TT will find our custom NoFilter implementation by looking for a class named com.crankuptheamps.ttunnel.filters.NoFilter. TT then dynamically invokes the NoFilter constructor and passes it a java.util.Properties object with the single key/value pair "foo=bar". (The NoFilter class doesn't use the properties, but we added this option to the file just to show you how configuration works).

The ConnectionProcessor object that TT provides to the NoFilter constructor is accessible at any time from the Filter base class and provides some fairly self-explanatory control methods:

public void disconnect();

public void pause();

public void pause_egress();

public void pause_ingress();

public void start_logging();

public void stop_logging();

public ConnectionLogger get_logger();

public Exception  getException();

public Map<String, Long> getStatistics();

The getStatistics() method provides values for the following keys:

"bytes_in", "bytes_out", "read_ms", "write_ms", "read_count", "write_count", "began_at", "ended_at", "exception_at"

Use It. Test Stuff. Fix Stuff. Repeat.

That's all there is to it. Simple. Diabolically simple, in fact.

The real utility of TT becomes apparent when you use it in your testing infrastructure. To help you out with this we've included a base test class, com.crankuptheamps.ttunnel.TroubleTest, that takes care of configuring, setting up and tearing down TT for each of your test methods.

To demonstrate how to use TroubleTest, let's assume you're creating a new test class named ExampleTest. You'll find an actual implementation of ExampleTest under the tests directory.

Your implementation of ExampleTest will need to provide a public no-arg constructor that passes the location of the test's working directory to the base class constructor as a object.

Our implementation of ExampleTest uses ./work-dir as a working directory. This working directory must contain two files with names based on the test class name:

This is a plain old java.util.Properties file.  You'll be able to refer to its key/value pairs from the next file:  For example:


This is a TT configuration JSON file.  It can refer to values from the properties file by wrapping them in ${}.  For example:


	{"name": "here->B",
		"log_dir": "log-2B",
		"filters": [
			{"type" : "Wan",
			 "description" : "WAN simulator from here to B",
			 "median_latency" : "${b_latency}"

	{"name": "here->C",
		"log_dir": "log-Not2B"
		"filters": [
			{"type" : "Wan",
			 "description" : "WAN simulator from here to B",
			 "median_latency" : "${c_latency}"


In our ExampleTest implementation, these actual location of these two files is ./work-dir/ExampleTest-template.json and ./work-dir/

The TroubleTest setUp method reads the template TT configuration, substitutes values from the properties file into it, writes it to <working-directory>/<abbreviated-class-name>.json and starts TT with it. Ås you debug TT while unit testing you can inspect this generated file to verify the actual configuration that TT is using.

You can access your properties file contents directly from within your tests by calling utility methods that TroubleTest provides:

	public void test_local_port() throws Exception
		final Socket s = new Socket("localhost", getInt("b_local_port"));
		Assert.assertEquals("expected latency on this connection in ms", getLong("b_latency"), 1000);
		Assert.assertTrue(new File(getFile("log_dir"), "file.log").exists());

This is useful in preventing duplication of configurable values like port numbers or Filter configuration values like latencies in your code.


The TroubleTunnel is a socket proxy testing and debugging utility.







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