This project is no longer maintained, because we are no longer interested in OrientDB.
A Clojure driver for OrientDB binary protocol.
Add the necessary dependency to your project:
[eu.7bridges/clj-odbp "0.2.3"]
comes with default settings with regard to OrientDB connection
and logging.
user> (require '[clj-odbp.configure :as c])
user> @c/config
;; => {:log-level :fatal, :log-file "log/clj_odbp.log", :port 2424, :host "localhost", :log-rotation-frequency :daily}
To change the default settings, you need to use
user> (c/configure-driver {:host "my-orientdb-server" :log-level :debug})
user> @c/config
;; => {:log-level :debug, :log-file "log/clj_odbp.log", :port 2424, :host "my-orientdb-server", :log-rotation-frequency :daily}
Connect to an OrientDB server:
user> (require '[clj-odbp.core :as odbp])
user> (odbp/connect-server "<username>" "<password>")
Create a new database:
user> (let [connection (odbp/connect-server "<username>" "<password>")]
(odbp/db-create connection "test-db"))
Check if a database exists:
user> (let [connection (odbp/connect-server "<username>" "<password>")]
(odbp/db-exist connection "test-db"))
Connect to a database and create a vertex:
user> (let [connection (odbp/db-open "test-db" "<username>" "<password>")]
(odbp/execute-command connection "create class Test extends V"))
Connect to a database and create a record:
user> (let [connection (odbp/db-open "test-db" "<username>" "<password>")]
(odbp/record-create connection {:_class "Test" :text "test property"}))
For further details check API documentation.
The following table shows how OrientDB types map to Clojure types and viceversa.
OrientDB | Clojure |
boolean | true , false |
integer | (int 42) |
short | (short 42) |
long | 42 |
float | (float 42.5) |
double | 42.5 |
decimal | (bigdec 42.5) |
string | "foo" |
binary | {:_obinary [100 101]} |
date | not supported |
datetime | (java.util.Date.) |
embedded | {:_version 0 :_class "Test" :name "foo"} |
embedded list | [0 "foo" 1] |
embedded set | #{0 "foo" 1} |
embedded map | {:name "foo" :age 42} |
link | "#20:1" |
link list | ["#20:1" "#20:2"] |
link set | #{"#20:1" "#20:2"} |
link map | {"rid" "#20:1"} |
ORidBag | {:_oridbag {:bag []}} |
ORidTree | {:_oridtree {:changes []}} |
Copyright © 2017 7bridges s.r.l.
Distributed under the Apache License 2.0.