Firmware and Hardware of the 8bit-Hub, a device for 8bit era computers.
Setting up Arduino IDE to program your 8bit-Hub:
(1) Clone the Repo @
(2) Install the Arduino IDE
(3) File > Preferences > Sketchbook Location ---> Set to your local copy of "/Firmware" Folder (Restart the Arduino IDE for changes to take effect)
(4) File > Preferences > Additional Boards Manager URLs --->
(5) Tools > Board > Boards Manager ---> search esp8266, then click install
Flash new sketch (Core Part): (Switches set to ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF)
(1) Tools > Board > optiboot-avr (in sketchbook) > Arduino Mega 2560 (Optiboot)
(2) Load Hub-Mega2560.ino
(3) Edit the code, for example these lines:
// Override with some defaults
if (!strlen(ssid) && !strlen(pswd)) {
strcpy(ssid, "8bit-Unity");
strcpy(pswd, "0123456789");
(4) Connect Hub to PC, then Tools > Port > Select COM number
(5) Upload sketch
(6) Tools > Serial Monitor ---> Set Baud Rate to 115200
"Et Voila"! You can use the serial monitor to get information/debugging messages. If you want to revert to "official" firmware, set: char megaVersion[5] = "v0.1"; The Hub will offer you to download latest firmware (e.g. v0.3) next time you boot.
Flash new sketch (Wifi Part): (Switches set to OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF)
(1) Tools > Board > ESP8266 boards > Generic ESP8266 Module
Tools > Flash Size > 4MB (FS:2MB OTA:~1019KB)
Tools > Erase Flash > All flash contents
(2) Load Hub-ESP8266.ino and edit code
(3) Connect Hub to PC, then Tools > Port > Select COM number
(4) Upload sketch, "Et Voila"!
Important: Set the switches back to ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF after flashing the sketch, otherwise the serial monitor will not work.
Burning the Optiboot boot loader onto a new board:
2 arduino mega boards are needed for this operation (one is used as progammer).
(1) Connect the boards pins as follows, then connect to USB:
Programmer: 5V GND 50 51 52 53
Target: 5V GND 50 51 52 RST
(2) Tools > Board > Arduino AVR Boards > Arduino Mega or Mega 2560
(3) File > Examples > 11.ArduinoISP > ArduinoISP
(4) Change code as follows: #define RESET 10 > #define RESET 53 //#define USE_OLD_STYLE_WIRING > #define USE_OLD_STYLE_WIRING #define PIN_MOSI 11 > #define PIN_MOSI 51 #define PIN_MISO 12 > #define PIN_MISO 50 #define PIN_SCK 13 > #define PIN_SCK 52
(5) Sketch > Upload
(6) Tools > Programmer > Arduino as ISP
(7) Tools > Board > optiboot-avr (in sketchbook) > Arduino Mega 2560 (Optiboot)
(8) Tools > Burn Loader, "Et Voila"!