Title | Description |
Community Cadastre | A 'Community Cadastre' is a way of making the UK's land ownership system more transparent. It uses open data and open-source software to create a database of land ownership records for a particular area. This database can then be used to predict missing data and to develop plans for improving the energy efficiency of local housing. |
Title | Description |
Engaging Faith Communities | I used a framework developed by Policy Lab to assess how the government currently interacts with faith communities. This helped me find areas where the government could be doing more and develop a plan to improve the relationship between the government and faith communities. |
Public Sector Equality Duty | I worked with the senior leadership team to help the organisation follow its equality and diversity strategy, as required by the Equality Act 2010 and Public Sector Equality Duty. I did this by designing and running workshops for all staff, which challenged them to think about equality and diversity in new ways and showed them how to do it better. |
Title | Description | Timeframe | Technologies |
Sneaker Seeker | I built a web app recommending new sneakers to sneaker enthusiasts for my final project at Makers Academy. (Group project). | 10 Days | React, Express, Javascript, Jasmine |
Acebook | I built a Facebook clone using the Ruby on Rails framework. It has profile pages, a news feed with posts and images from other users, and the ability to comment and like posts. I deployed it using Heroku. (Group project) | 10 Days | Ruby, Rails, Postgres /w ActiveRecord, HTML, CSS, RSPec, Capybara |
Sunrise B'n'B | I built a copy of Airbnb. It lets users host and book accommodations. (Group project) | 5 Days | Ruby, Sinatra, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, RSpec |
Title | Description |
Accessio | Accessio is a concept for a new research tool that helps people understand disabilities in Jamaica. It does this by using a powerful language model called GPT-3, which has been trained on a massive dataset of text and code. |