A modified dji-sdk/Onboard-SDK-ROS
This is a modified version of dji-sdk/Onboard-SDK-ROS, which uses standard ros message types, provides limited function of dji-sdk/Onboard-SDK-ROS.
For Beginners, Please Follow Step-by-Step Tutorial
FindEigen.cmake from ceres-solver is used. Please resolve it accordingly if you meet some problem about Eigen.
Remember to install dji-sdk/Onboard-SDK. Follow instructions of DJI-Onboard-SDK Documentation to install it into the system.
If you don't need mvBlueFOX synchronization, just set ENABLE_DJIFOX to false to eliminate compile errors about mvBlueFOX drivers. If you need it, please install the bluefox camera drivers.
launch/djiros.launch and launch/djifox.launch will use environment variables to get APPID and ENCKEY. You can add your id and key in your launch file / set it to the environment. For members of HKUST-Aerial-Robotics-Group, please see
for id and key. -
Please pay attention to ttyUSB name and privilege. An example for udev-rule file is provided in docs/99-ftdi.rules. A tutorial can be found at http://hintshop.ludvig.co.nz/show/persistent-names-usb-serial-devices/
~serial_name [string] : Path to the serial port device (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0)
~baud_rate [int] : Baudrate for serial port
~app_id [int] : App Id for dji sdk
~enc_key [string] : App Key for dji sdk
~sensor_mode [bool] : No activation and control is needed, just output imu, rc, gps, ...
~align_with_fmu [bool] : Use ticks from FMU/ ros::Time::now() when data is received.
~gravity [double] : scale multiplied on accelerometer output
~ctrl_cmd_stream_timeout [double] : timeout for judging if control command is streaming in or stopped
~ctrl_cmd_wait_timeout [double] : timeout for waiting for control command after switch into api mode
Please see KumarRobotics/bluefox2 as a reference
~imu : [sensor_msgs/IMU] IMU message at 400 Hz, in the [ROS REP 103](http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0103.html) frame definition.
~rc : [sensor_msgs/Joy] RC joysticks at 50 Hz, remapped to [-1, +1]. See [include/djiros/DjiRos.h](include/djiros/DjiRos.h) for the direction.
~velo : [geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped] Velocity message in NED frame.
~gps : [sensor_msgs/NavSatFix] GPS message.
[SYNC] ~image: [sensor_msgs/Image] Synchronized images from camera driver.
- See the code and official documents for published topics and their details.
- For other messages, please modify the code.
- Pay attention to the frame_id of the published topics which represent the frame. Frame definition can be seen in include/djiros/DjiRos.h.
~ctrl: [sensor_msgs/Joy] For controlling the drone
$ djiros_bluefox