Yurii this project is using python 3.10.0 btw
- run tiktotube.sh script
- use unofficial tiktok api to get urls of desired videos: https://blog.devgenius.io/tiktok-api-python-41d76c67a833
- Grab the urls of the desired videos
- use the api to download the videos from their download urls
- Run video_editor.py script to concatenate all videos
- Boom!!, final video
- ...
- profit!!
- figure out why the final video doesn't seem to have sound
- find a better way to general the os and path calls so it works on both of our operating systems. we could use docker if we feel extra lol
- should add comments to tiktok_api.py
- make a "main.py" or something to run both scripts from
- youtube api that allows auto upload?
- better control over which kind of videos get downloaded from tiktok.(different catagories etc)