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Simple Musig2 implementation
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This is a simple Musig2/BIP327 ( that uses primitives provided by our
secp256k1 wrapper. It is meant to be used for testing and prototyping.
Reference test vectors have also been imported.
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sstone committed Oct 25, 2023
1 parent f0fecaf commit e4f79f3
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,387 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions build.gradle.kts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ plugins {
val currentOs = org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current()

group = "fr.acinq.bitcoin"
version = "0.14.0-SNAPSHOT"
version = "0.14.1-MUSIG2-SNAPSHOT"

repositories {
Expand All @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ kotlin {

sourceSets {
val secp256k1KmpVersion = "0.10.1"
val secp256k1KmpVersion = "0.11.0"

val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
Expand Down
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions src/commonMain/kotlin/fr/acinq/bitcoin/musig2/Musig2.kt
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@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
package fr.acinq.bitcoin.musig2

import fr.acinq.bitcoin.*
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.crypto.Pack
import fr.acinq.secp256k1.Hex
import fr.acinq.secp256k1.Secp256k1
import kotlin.experimental.xor
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic

* Key Aggregation Context
* Holds a public key aggregate that can optionally be tweaked
* @param Q aggregated public key
* @param gacc G accumulator
* @param tacc tweak accumulator
public data class KeyAggCtx(val Q: PublicKey, val gacc: Boolean, val tacc: ByteVector32) {
public fun tweak(tweak: ByteVector32, isXonly: Boolean): KeyAggCtx {
require(tweak == ByteVector32.Zeroes || PrivateKey(tweak).isValid()) { "invalid tweak" }
return if (isXonly && !Q.isEven()) {
val Q1 = PublicKey.parse(Secp256k1.pubKeyTweakAdd(Q.unaryMinus().toUncompressedBin(), tweak.toByteArray()))
KeyAggCtx(Q1, !gacc, minus(tweak, tacc))
} else {
val Q1 = PublicKey.parse(Secp256k1.pubKeyTweakAdd(Q.toUncompressedBin(), tweak.toByteArray()))
KeyAggCtx(Q1, gacc, add(tweak, tacc))

public object Musig2 {
public fun keyAgg(pubkeys: List<PublicKey>): KeyAggCtx {
val pk2 = getSecondKey(pubkeys)
val a = { keyAggCoeffInternal(pubkeys, it, pk2) }
val Q = { it.first.times(PrivateKey(it.second)) }.reduce { p1, p2 -> p1 + p2 }
return KeyAggCtx(Q, true, ByteVector32.Zeroes)

public fun keySort(pubkeys: List<PublicKey>): List<PublicKey> = pubkeys.sortedWith { a, b ->, b) }
* Musig2 secret nonce. Not meant to be reused !!
public data class SecretNonce(val p1: PrivateKey, val p2: PrivateKey, val pk: PublicKey) {
public fun publicNonce(): PublicNonce = PublicNonce(p1.publicKey(), p2.publicKey())

public companion object {
public fun fromValidHex(hex: String): SecretNonce {
return fromBin(Hex.decode(hex))

public fun fromBin(bin: ByteArray): SecretNonce {
require(bin.size == 32 + 32 + 33)
return SecretNonce(
PrivateKey(bin.copyOfRange(0, 32)),
PrivateKey(bin.copyOfRange(32, 64)),
PublicKey(bin.copyOfRange(64, 97))

* @param sk optional private key
* @param pk public key
* @param aggpk optional aggregated public key
* @param msg optional message
* @param extraInput optional extra input
* @param randprime random value
* @return a Musig2 secret nonce
public fun generate(sk: PrivateKey?, pk: PublicKey, aggpk: XonlyPublicKey?, msg: ByteArray?, extraInput: ByteArray?, randprime: ByteVector32): SecretNonce {

fun xor(a: ByteVector32, b: ByteVector32): ByteVector32 {
val result = ByteArray(32)
for (i in 0..31) {
result[i] = a[i].xor(b[i])
return result.byteVector32()

val rand = if (sk != null) {
xor(sk.value, Crypto.taggedHash(randprime.toByteArray(), "MuSig/aux"))
} else {
val aggpk1 = aggpk?.value?.toByteArray() ?: ByteArray(0)
val extraInput1 = extraInput ?: ByteArray(0)
val tmp = rand.toByteArray() +
ByteArray(1) { pk.value.size().toByte() } + pk.value.toByteArray() +
ByteArray(1) { aggpk1.size.toByte() } + aggpk1 +
if (msg != null) {
ByteArray(1) { 1 } + Pack.writeInt64BE(msg.size.toLong()) + msg
} else {
ByteArray(1) { 0 }
} +
Pack.writeInt32BE(extraInput1.size) + extraInput1
val k1 = Crypto.taggedHash(tmp + ByteArray(1) { 0 }, "MuSig/nonce")
require(k1 != ByteVector32.Zeroes)
val k2 = Crypto.taggedHash(tmp + ByteArray(1) { 1 }, "MuSig/nonce")
require(k2 != ByteVector32.Zeroes)
val secnonce = SecretNonce(PrivateKey(k1), PrivateKey(k2), pk)
return secnonce

* Musig2 public nonce
public data class PublicNonce(val P1: PublicKey?, val P2: PublicKey?) {
public fun isValid(): Boolean = (P1?.isValid() ?: true) && (P2?.isValid() ?: true)

public fun toByteArray(): ByteArray = (P1?.value?.toByteArray() ?: ByteArray(33)) + (P2?.value?.toByteArray() ?: ByteArray(33))

public companion object {
public fun fromValidHex(hex: String): PublicNonce {
return fromBin(Hex.decode(hex))

public fun fromBin(bin: ByteArray): PublicNonce {
require(bin.size == 33 + 33)
val P1 = bin.copyOfRange(0, 33)
val P2 = bin.copyOfRange(33, 66)
return PublicNonce(if (P1.contentEquals(ByteArray(33))) null else PublicKey(P1), if (P2.contentEquals(ByteArray(33))) null else PublicKey(P2))

public fun aggregate(nonces: List<PublicNonce>): PublicNonce {
for (i in nonces.indices) {
require(nonces[i].isValid()) { "invalid nonce at index $i" }
val R1 = { it.P1 }.reduce { a, b -> add(a, b) }
val R2 = { it.P2 }.reduce { a, b -> add(a, b) }
return PublicNonce(R1, R2)

internal fun add(a: ByteVector32, b: ByteVector32): ByteVector32 = when {
a == ByteVector32.Zeroes -> b
b == ByteVector32.Zeroes -> a
else -> (PrivateKey(a) + PrivateKey(b)).value

internal fun unaryMinus(a: ByteVector32): ByteVector32 = when {
a == ByteVector32.Zeroes -> a
else -> PrivateKey(a).unaryMinus().value

internal fun minus(a: ByteVector32, b: ByteVector32): ByteVector32 = add(a, unaryMinus(b))
internal fun mul(a: ByteVector32, b: ByteVector32): ByteVector32 = when {
a == ByteVector32.Zeroes || b == ByteVector32.Zeroes -> ByteVector32.Zeroes
else -> (PrivateKey(a) * PrivateKey(b)).value

internal fun add(a: PublicKey?, b: PublicKey?): PublicKey? = when {
a == null -> b
b == null -> a
a.xOnly() == b.xOnly() && (a.isEven() != b.isEven()) -> null
else -> a + b

internal fun mul(a: PublicKey?, b: PrivateKey): PublicKey? = a?.times(b)

* Musig2 signing session context
* @param aggnonce aggregated public nonce
* @param pubkeys signer public keys
* @param tweaks optional tweaks to apply to the aggregated public key
* @param msg message to sign
public data class SessionCtx(val aggnonce: PublicNonce, val pubkeys: List<PublicKey>, val tweaks: List<Pair<ByteVector32, Boolean>>, val message: ByteVector) {
private fun build(): SessionValues {
val keyAggCtx0 = Musig2.keyAgg(pubkeys)
val keyAggCtx = tweaks.fold(keyAggCtx0) { ctx, tweak -> ctx.tweak(tweak.first, tweak.second) }
val (Q, gacc, tacc) = keyAggCtx
val b = PrivateKey(Crypto.taggedHash((aggnonce.toByteArray().byteVector() + Q.xOnly().value + message).toByteArray(), "MuSig/noncecoef"))
val R = add(aggnonce.P1, mul(aggnonce.P2, b)) ?: PublicKey.Generator
val e = Crypto.taggedHash((R.xOnly().value + Q.xOnly().value + message).toByteArray(), "BIP0340/challenge")
return SessionValues(Q, gacc, tacc, b, R, PrivateKey(e))

private fun getSessionKeyAggCoeff(P: PublicKey): PrivateKey {
require(pubkeys.contains(P)) { "signer's pubkey is not present" }
return keyAggCoeff(pubkeys, P)

* @param secnonce secret nonce
* @param sk private key
* @return a Musig2 partial signature
public fun sign(secnonce: SecretNonce, sk: PrivateKey): ByteVector32 {
val (Q, gacc, _, b, R, e) = build()
val (k1, k2) = if (R.isEven()) Pair(secnonce.p1, secnonce.p2) else Pair(-secnonce.p1, -secnonce.p2)
val P = sk.publicKey()
require(P ==
val a = getSessionKeyAggCoeff(P)
val d = if (Q.isEven() == gacc) sk else -sk
val s = k1 + b * k2 + e * a * d
require(partialSigVerify(s.value, secnonce.publicNonce(), sk.publicKey())) { "partial signature verification failed" }
return s.value

* @param psig Musig2 partial signature
* @param pubnonce public nonce
* @param pk public key
* @return true if the partial signature has been verified (in the context of a specific signing session)
public fun partialSigVerify(psig: ByteVector32, pubnonce: PublicNonce, pk: PublicKey): Boolean {
val (Q, gacc, _, b, R, e) = build()
val Rstar = add(pubnonce.P1, mul(pubnonce.P2, b)) ?: PublicKey.Generator
val Re = if (R.isEven()) Rstar else -Rstar
val a = getSessionKeyAggCoeff(pk)
val gprime = if (Q.isEven()) gacc else !gacc
val check = if (gprime) Re + pk * e * a else Re - pk * e * a
return PrivateKey(psig).publicKey() == check

* @param psigs list of partial signatures
* @return an aggregated signature, which is a valid Schnorr signature for the matching aggregated public key
public fun partialSigAgg(psigs: List<ByteVector32>): ByteVector64 {
val (Q, _, tacc, _, R, e) = build()
for (i in psigs.indices) {
require(PrivateKey(psigs[i]).isValid()) { "invalid partial signature at index $i" }
val s = psigs.reduce { a, b -> add(a, b) }
val s1 = if (Q.isEven()) add(s, mul(e.value, tacc)) else minus(s, mul(e.value, tacc))
val sig = ByteVector64(R.xOnly().value + s1)
return sig

public companion object {
private data class SessionValues(val Q: PublicKey, val gacc: Boolean, val tacc: ByteVector32, val b: PrivateKey, val R: PublicKey, val e: PrivateKey)

internal fun getSecondKey(pubkeys: List<PublicKey>): PublicKey {
return pubkeys.drop(1).find { it != pubkeys[0] } ?: PublicKey(ByteArray(33))

internal fun hashKeys(pubkeys: List<PublicKey>): ByteVector32 {
val concat = { it.value }.reduce { a, b -> a + b }
return Crypto.taggedHash(concat.toByteArray(), "KeyAgg list")

internal fun keyAggCoeffInternal(pubkeys: List<PublicKey>, pk: PublicKey, pk2: PublicKey): ByteVector32 {
return if (pk == pk2) {
} else {
Crypto.taggedHash(hashKeys(pubkeys).toByteArray() + pk.value.toByteArray(), "KeyAgg coefficient")

internal fun keyAggCoeff(pubkeys: List<PublicKey>, pk: PublicKey): PrivateKey {
return PrivateKey(keyAggCoeffInternal(pubkeys, pk, getSecondKey(pubkeys)))

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