- Go to next bufferShift+Tab
- Go to previous buffer<leader>x
- Delete current buffer<leader>(number)
- Switch to the buffer of that number<leader><
- Move current buffer one to the left<leader>>
- Move current buffer one to the right
- Next hunk[c
- Prev hunk<leader>hs
- Stage hunk<leader>hr
- Reset hunk<leader>hS
- Stage buffer<leader>hu
- Undo stage hunk<leader>hR
- Reset buffer<leader>hp
- Preview hunk<leader>hb
- Blame line<leader>tb
- Toggle blame line<leader>hd
- Diff this<leader>hD
- Diff buffer<leader>td
- Toggle deleted
- Next error[d
- Previous errorK
- Get context for whatever you're currently hovering overgd
- Jump to the definitiongi
- Lists all the implementations for the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix windowgr
- Lists all the references to the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix windowF2
- Rename the variable under your cursorF3 or <leader>fo
- Format the text if you have a formatter attachedF4 or <leader>ca
- Perform a code action
- Open/Close the file explorerEnter
- Open a fileBackspace
- Close the folder that you're currently ina
- Add a filer
- Rename a filed
- Delete a file
- Find file<leader>fw
- Find word across files<leader>fb
- Find file within open buffers<leader>fg
- Find git files
- Open undotree