This is a React Native mobile application that provides an AI-powered chat interface. The app features a polished login system with smooth animations, secure authentication, and an intuitive chat interface. It's built using React Native and Expo, with OpenAI integration for the chat functionality.
- Animated login interface with blur effects
- Secure authentication system
- AI-powered chat functionality
- User profile and subscription management
- Custom UI components and animations
- React Native / Expo
- TypeScript
- OpenAI API
- React Navigation
- Expo Blur
- Animated API
- Zustand (State Management)
Add a timer on voice listener or an entire function to check it, in order to avoid bugs.
Solve microphone relay timing, because doesn't work if the button is pressed more than 5 seconds, roughly.
Implement case sensitivity handling in login and registration:
- Add clear validation for username/email case sensitivity
- Display helpful error messages when case mismatches occur
- Consider implementing case-insensitive login option
Modify scroll wheel behavior for chat clearing:
- Add confirmation dialog when scrolling down to clear chat
- Implement smooth scroll detection for triggering clear action
- Add visual feedback during scroll interaction
- Ensure proper handling of scroll events to prevent accidental clearing
Add toast notifications for better user feedback:
- Implement toast when scrolling down to clear chat:
- "Pull down to clear chat history"
- "Chat history cleared successfully"
- Add toast when copying chat messages:
- "Message copied to clipboard"
- Add app update notifications:
- "New version available. Please update"
- "App successfully updated to version X.X.X"
- Implement toast when scrolling down to clear chat: