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tapio DeveloperApp

A show case for tapio

Build Status Sonarcloud Status Preview Deplyoment Status License

Production Website


Run the Ensure-Prerequisites.ps1 PowerShell script to install the prerequisites.


Execute the following commands

cd .\src\web
npm ci
ng build
dotnet build

The result can be found in the directory src\web\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2



Setup environment

In order to authenticate against tapio the credentials have to be provided. First restore the dependencies.

cd .\src\
dotnet restore

Now the Microsoft.Extensions.SecretManager.Tools is available.

Run the following commands with the actual secrets

cd .\src\web\
dotnet user-secrets set "TapioCloud:ClientID" "XYZ"
dotnet user-secrets set "TapioCloud:ClientSecret" "XYZ"
dotnet user-secrets set "TapioCloud:Email" "XYZ"

If you want to use streaming data you need to configure your azure event hub instance and provide the according connection strings. A service for local live data generation will be added later on

cd .\src\web\
dotnet user-secrets set "EventHub:EventHubEntityPath" "XYZ"
dotnet user-secrets set "EventHub:EventHubConnectionString" "XYZ"
dotnet user-secrets set "EventHub:StorageContainerName" "XYZ"
dotnet user-secrets set "EventHub:StorageConnectionString" "XYZ"


Execute the following commands in one shell

cd .\src\web
ng build --watch

Execute the following commands in another shell

cd .\src\web
dotnet run

Navigate to https://localhost:5001 with a browser


Execute the following commands

cd .\src\web
npm ci
ng build
dotnet publish

The result can be found in the directory .\src\web\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2\publish

Azure App Service

Provide access to the client id and secret via App Settings. Settings

  • TapioCloud:ClientID XYZ
  • TapioCloud:ClientSecret XYZ
  • TapioCloud:Email XYZ
  • EventHub:EventHubEntityPath XYZ
  • EventHub:EventHubConnectionString XYZ
  • EventHub:StorageContainerName XYZ
  • EventHub:StorageConnectionString XYZ

Execute Tests

Front End

cd .\src\web
ng test

Back End

cd .\src
dotnet test

Legal Notice

You can find the Legal Notice - Impressum.


Licensed under MIT License