- Critique
- Average popularity of your songs
- How many artists you listen to who are in the Billboard Hot 100
- Overall "basciness" of your music taste
- General Song Data
- Count of artists
- Song lengths
- Most popular artists
- Most frequent artists
- Distribution of your music taste in decades (80s, 90s, 2000s, etc.)
- Etc.
- Genres
- Most listened to Genres
This application used the Spotify API for OAuth and data gathering as well as Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn for visualizing the data. The backend was developed using a FlaskAPI which was then deployed on Heroku (CURRENTLY NOT DEPLOYED).
- Extracting Songs: https://towardsdatascience.com/extracting-song-data-from-the-spotify-api-using-python-b1e79388d50
- CSS Circles: https://freefrontend.com/css-animated-backgrounds/
- OAuth Formatting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBycigbJQzA&ab_channel=Synsation