Medium Artcile:
Data geared project designed to project housing market prices in University cities
Created a web scraper from scratch using Python and HTML-Requests to scrape the following from over 1200 listings across 6 cities:
- Location
- Title
- Price
- Style
- Bedrooms
- Bathrooms
- Size
- Air Conditioning
- Den
- Bachelor/Studio
Cleaned the raw data scraped from Kijiji to use for EDA, graph plotting, and model building. The cleaning included:
- Removing "Wanted" listings
- Streamlined bedrooms, bathroom and price to include integers only
- Parsed through bedrooms to create binary columns for dens
- Removed "Please Contact" listings
Analyzed the clean data and making bar, scatterplot and heatmap graphs using Tableau & Jupyter Notebook [Seaborn, Matplotlib]
The following graphs analyze relationships between the various data columns including Size, Price, Bathrooms, Bedrooms, Location and Den status:
View the Dashboard: a multiple linear regression model with sklearn (accuracy ~70-80%) to predict housing data based off the information I scraped and cleaned. Deployed the model using a Flask API.
Python Version: 3.11.4
Packages: pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, html-requests