Tutorial for setting up a ClashX proxy with free subscription links.
Feel free to submit an Issue or make a Pull Request!
For V2Ray users, see V2Ray Setup Tutorial.
For a tutorial in Chinese, see 中文版教程.
- Download Clash from Clash Release page.
- Download Clash for Windows from CFW Release page.
ClashX ★
- Download ClashX from ClashX Release page.
- Download ClashX Pro with enhanced mode and native Apple Silicon support at AppCenter.
- NodeFree: https://nodefree.org/dy/2023/10/20231031.yaml ★
- ClashNode: https://clashnode.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/20231031.yaml ★
- Mfuu: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mfuu/v2ray/master/clash.yaml
- Anaer: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anaer/Sub/main/clash.yaml ★
- Pojiezhiyuanjun: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pojiezhiyuanjun/2023/master/1030clash.yml
- Oslook: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oslook/clash-freenode/main/clash.yaml
- Ermaozi: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ermaozi/get_subscribe/main/subscribe/clash.yml ★
- Learnhard-cn: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/learnhard-cn/free_proxy_ss@main/clash/clash.provider.yaml
- Tbbatbb: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tbbatbb/Proxy/master/dist/clash.config.yaml
- Vveg26: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vveg26/get_proxy/main/dist/clash.config.yaml
- OpenRunner: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openrunner/clash-freenode/main/clash.yaml ★
- Xrayfree: https://tt.vg/freeclash
Free Node Pool
For a detailed guide, see: https://lancellc.gitbook.io/clash
- Open ClashX
- Click ClashX icon in the status bar
- Click Config and then Remote Config
- Click Manage and then Add
- Paste a Subscription Link to the url field
- OK!! (manually select a node if necessary)
- NodeFree (https://nodefree.org)
- ClashNode (https://clashnode.com)
- Mfuu (https://github.com/mfuu/v2ray)
- Anaer (https://github.com/anaer/Sub)
- Pojiezhiyuanjun (https://github.com/pojiezhiyuanjun/2023)
- Oslook (https://github.com/oslook/clash-freenode)
- Ermaozi (https://github.com/ermaozi/get_subscribe)
- Learnhard-cn (https://github.com/learnhard-cn/free_proxy_ss)
- Tbbatbb (https://github.com/tbbatbb/Proxy)
- Vveg26 (https://github.com/vveg26/getProxy)
- OpenRunner (https://github.com/openRunner/clash-freenode)
- Xrayfree (https://github.com/xrayfree/free-ssr-ss-v2ray-vpn-clash)
- Zu1k (https://github.com/zu1k/proxypool)
- Lancellc (https://lancellc.gitbook.io/clash)
- This project is meant for personal and educational uses only.
- Please follow relevant laws and regulations when using this project.
- Project owner is not responsible or liable in any manner for the use of the content.