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Preparing for work

  1. Make sure that the LTS version of Node.js is installed on the computer. Download and install if necessary.
  2. Install the project's basic dependencies using the npm install command.
  3. Start the development mode, execute the npm start command.
  4. Go to http://localhost:3000 in the browser. This page will automatically reload after saving the changes project files.


Develop a phone book contact storage application.

Step 1

Create an application with a form and a contact list. For this step, focus on adding contact names and displaying the contact list. Ensure that the application doesn't retain contacts between sessions (page refreshes).

Utilize the provided input markup with built-in validation for the contact name.

  pattern="^[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я]+(([' -][a-zA-Zа-яА-Я ])?[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я]*)*$"
  title="Name may contain only letters, apostrophe, dash and spaces. For example Adrian, Jacob Mercer, Charles de Batz de Castelmore d'Artagnan"

The state stored in the parent <App> component must adhere to the following format, and you cannot introduce new properties.

state = {
  contacts: [],
  name: '',

Each contact should be an object with name and id properties. Use any suitable package, such as nanoid, to generate identifiers. Once this step is done, the application should resemble the following.


Step 2

Enhance the application's functionality by enabling users to input phone numbers. Include <input type="tel"> in the form and incorporate a property in the state to store its value.

state = {
  contacts: [],
  name: '',
  number: '',

Incorporate this input markup for a contact number with integrated validation.

  title="Phone number must be digits and can contain spaces, dashes, parentheses and can start with +"

Once this step is done, the application should resemble the following.


Step 3

Integrate a search field allowing users to filter the contact list by name.

  • The search field should be a formless input, and its value should be stored in the state as a controlled element.
  • Ensure that the filtering logic is case-insensitive.
state = {
  contacts: [],
  filter: '',
  name: '',
  number: '',


When developing new functionality, consider hardcoding some data into the state for convenience. This eliminates the need to manually enter data in the interface for testing. For instance, you can utilize the following initial state.

state = {
  contacts: [
    { id: 'id-1', name: 'Rosie Simpson', number: '459-12-56' },
    { id: 'id-2', name: 'Hermione Kline', number: '443-89-12' },
    { id: 'id-3', name: 'Eden Clements', number: '645-17-79' },
    { id: 'id-4', name: 'Annie Copeland', number: '227-91-26' },
  filter: '',
  name: '',
  number: '',

Step 4

Refactor the application implemented within a single <App> component by segregating relevant parts into separate components. Restrict the state of the <App> root component to only include the contacts and filter properties.

state = {
  contacts: [],
  filter: '',

After refactoring, the root component of the application will include four components: the form for adding contacts, the contact list, the contact list element, and the search filter.

  <ContactForm ... />

  <Filter ... />
  <ContactList ... />

Step 5

Prevent users from adding contacts with names already in the phone book. If attempted, display a warning alert.


Step 6

Enhance the application functionality to enable users to delete previously saved contacts.



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