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Accelerator Programming for High Performance Computing: Lab Exercises


Portions of this course are taken from the 'Advanced HandsOnOpenCL' course developed by the High Performance Computing Group at the University of Bristol. Contributors include Simon McIntosh-Smith, James Price, Tom Deakin and Mike O'Connor.


All the lab exercises for this course will be run within a Docker container, for easier management of software dependencies.

Run the install script in this directory:


to install the necessary Ubuntu packages required for CUDA development within Docker:

  • NVidia driver for Quadro P2000 GPU (418)
  • Docker CE -- available here
  • nvidia-docker2, install instructions found here


To generate a docker image named workspace, run:

docker build -t workspace .


To test the docker image:

docker run --runtime=nvidia -it --mount src=`pwd`,target=/workspace,type=bind  workspace /opencl_device_query/opencl_device_query

To start the docker image run:

docker run --runtime=nvidia -it --mount src=`pwd`,target=/workspace,type=bind workspace