This is written with mermaid
class Game{
-best_scores: list
-current_player_index: int
-game_over: bool
-game_started: bool
-gap: int
-left_button: ImagesButton
-obstacles: list
-obstacles_distance: int
-paused_button: ImagesButton
-paused: bool
-player_parameters: list
-players: list
-ranking_button: Button
-restart_button: Button
-resume_button: Button
-right_button: ImagesButton
-score: int
-select_button: Button
-setting_button: ImagesButton
-start_button: Button
This is made by parsing using pylint
First open the terminal and type
$ sudo groupadd -f docker
Then type the following usermod command to add the active user to the docker group
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Apply the group changes to the current terminal session by typing
$ newgrp docker
Finally check if the docker group is in the list of user groups
$ groups
First we have to enter docker
$ source Docker/
After you enter docker
# python3