RES is a wrapper system that enables analysts and researchers to easily create, package, and execute experiments that are generated using virtual machines.
The current version of RES supports VirtualBox machines.
RES has been tested on:
- Windows 10+ (64-bit)
- Ubuntu 16.04+ LTE (64-bit)
Python 3.6 (64-bit) - Python 3.9 (Note that RES does not work with Python 3.12 due to double-inheritance issues in the console handler code). It is recommended to use conda with a Python 3.9 virtual environment.
VirtualBox 6.1.6+ or VMWare Workstation 17+
[Several Other Python packages] (see requirements.txt)
Clone the source and then cd into the directory:
git clone
cd res
Setup and activate the virtualenv container
python -m venv venv
Install the res python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup and activate the virtualenv container
python3 -m venv venv
Clone RES repo
git clone
cd res
Activate the venv and install python dependencides
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To run the GUI, follow the steps in Run the GUI. To run the engine tests, follow the steps in Run Engine Tests.
By default promiscous mode is disabled for virtual machines. To enable this, open the following file /etc/init.d/vmware
Change the vmwareStartVmnet() function as follows:
vmwareStartVmnet() {
vmwareLoadModule $vnet
"$BINDIR"/vmware-networks --start >> $VNETLIB_LOG 2>&1
chmod a+rw /dev/vmnet*
Navigate to the folder where you downloaded res and activate the virtualenv container
cd res
source venv\bin\activate
Start the GUI
A sample RES file is included in the samples folder. In the GUI, right-click in the left pane and select to Import the file.
A driver program is included that will demonstrate several of the functions provided by RES.
Import the sample res file in the samples folder.
In the terminal, activate the virtualenv container
cd res
source venv\bin\activate
Run the Engine Tests:
cd src/main/python/
Please contribute!