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Add burst support to normal ISCE2 workflow
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jhkennedy committed Jan 27, 2025
1 parent 45e2422 commit c20c337
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Showing 10 changed files with 368 additions and 324 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions environment.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ dependencies:
- setuptools>=61
- setuptools_scm>=6.2
# For running
- burst2safe
- gdal>=3
- h5netcdf
- hyp3lib>=3,<4
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ develop = [
hyp3_autorift = "hyp3_autorift.process:main"
s1_correction = "hyp3_autorift.s1_correction:main"
s1_alternate = "hyp3_autorift.s1_alt:main"

Homepage = ""
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/hyp3_autorift/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,9 +16,10 @@ def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prefix_chars='+', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
choices=['hyp3_autorift', 's1_correction'],
choices=['hyp3_autorift', 's1_correction', 's1_alternate'],
help='Select the console_script entrypoint to use', # console_script entrypoints are specified in ``
# console_script entrypoints are specified in `pyproject.toml`
help='Select the console_script entrypoint to use',
parser.add_argument('++omp-num-threads', type=int, help='The number of OpenMP threads to use for parallel regions')

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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/hyp3_autorift/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -192,7 +192,10 @@ def least_precise_orbit_of(orbits):

def get_datetime(scene_name):
if scene_name.startswith('S1'):
return datetime.strptime(scene_name[17:32], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
if scene_name.endswith('-BURST'):
return datetime.strptime(scene_name.split('_')[3], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
return datetime.strptime(scene_name[17:32], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
if scene_name.startswith('S2') and len(scene_name) > 25: # ESA
return datetime.strptime(scene_name[11:26], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
if scene_name.startswith('S2'): # COG
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/hyp3_autorift/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
def get_s1_primary_polarization(granule_name):
polarization = granule_name[14:16]
if polarization in ['SV', 'DV']:
return 'vv'
if polarization in ['SH', 'DH']:
return 'hh'
raise ValueError(f'Cannot determine co-polarization of granule {granule_name}')
265 changes: 264 additions & 1 deletion src/hyp3_autorift/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,275 @@
import argparse
import copy
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np
from autoRIFT import __version__ as version
from import upload_file_to_s3
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from osgeo import gdal, osr
from s1_orbits import fetch_for_scene

from hyp3_autorift import geometry, utils
from hyp3_autorift.process import DEFAULT_PARAMETER_FILE
from hyp3_autorift.s1_isce2 import generate_correction_data
from hyp3_autorift.s1 import get_s1_primary_polarization
from hyp3_autorift.s1_isce2 import _get_safe, bounding_box, format_tops_xml, prep_isce_dem

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def write_conversion_file(
file_name: str,
srs: osr.SpatialReference,
epsg: int,
tran: List[float],
x: np.ndarray,
y: np.ndarray,
M11: np.ndarray,
M12: np.ndarray,
dr_2_vr_factor: float,
ChunkSize: List[int],
NoDataValue: int = -32767,
noDataMask: np.ndarray,
parameter_file: str,
) -> str:
nc_outfile = Dataset(file_name, 'w', clobber=True, format='NETCDF4')

nc_outfile.setncattr('GDAL_AREA_OR_POINT', 'Area')
nc_outfile.setncattr('Conventions', 'CF-1.8')
nc_outfile.setncattr('date_created','%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S'))
nc_outfile.setncattr('title', 'autoRIFT S1 Corrections')
nc_outfile.setncattr('autoRIFT_software_version', version)
nc_outfile.setncattr('autoRIFT_parameter_file', parameter_file)

nc_outfile.createDimension('x', len(x))
nc_outfile.createDimension('y', len(y))

var = nc_outfile.createVariable('x', np.dtype('float64'), 'x', fill_value=None)
var.setncattr('standard_name', 'projection_x_coordinate')
var.setncattr('description', 'x coordinate of projection')
var.setncattr('units', 'm')
var[:] = x

var = nc_outfile.createVariable('y', np.dtype('float64'), 'y', fill_value=None)
var.setncattr('standard_name', 'projection_y_coordinate')
var.setncattr('description', 'y coordinate of projection')
var.setncattr('units', 'm')
var[:] = y

mapping_var_name = 'mapping'
var = nc_outfile.createVariable(mapping_var_name, 'U1', (), fill_value=None)
if srs.GetAttrValue('PROJECTION') == 'Polar_Stereographic':
var.setncattr('grid_mapping_name', 'polar_stereographic')
var.setncattr('straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole', srs.GetProjParm('central_meridian'))
var.setncattr('false_easting', srs.GetProjParm('false_easting'))
var.setncattr('false_northing', srs.GetProjParm('false_northing'))
var.setncattr('latitude_of_projection_origin', np.sign(srs.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin')) * 90.0)
var.setncattr('latitude_of_origin', srs.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin'))
var.setncattr('semi_major_axis', float(srs.GetAttrValue('GEOGCS|SPHEROID', 1)))
var.setncattr('scale_factor_at_projection_origin', 1)
var.setncattr('inverse_flattening', float(srs.GetAttrValue('GEOGCS|SPHEROID', 2)))
var.setncattr('spatial_ref', srs.ExportToWkt())
var.setncattr('crs_wkt', srs.ExportToWkt())
var.setncattr('proj4text', srs.ExportToProj4())
var.setncattr('spatial_epsg', epsg)
var.setncattr('GeoTransform', ' '.join(str(x) for x in tran))

elif srs.GetAttrValue('PROJECTION') == 'Transverse_Mercator':
var.setncattr('grid_mapping_name', 'universal_transverse_mercator')
zone = epsg - np.floor(epsg / 100) * 100
var.setncattr('utm_zone_number', zone)
var.setncattr('longitude_of_central_meridian', srs.GetProjParm('central_meridian'))
var.setncattr('false_easting', srs.GetProjParm('false_easting'))
var.setncattr('false_northing', srs.GetProjParm('false_northing'))
var.setncattr('latitude_of_projection_origin', srs.GetProjParm('latitude_of_origin'))
var.setncattr('semi_major_axis', float(srs.GetAttrValue('GEOGCS|SPHEROID', 1)))
var.setncattr('scale_factor_at_central_meridian', srs.GetProjParm('scale_factor'))
var.setncattr('inverse_flattening', float(srs.GetAttrValue('GEOGCS|SPHEROID', 2)))
var.setncattr('spatial_ref', srs.ExportToWkt())
var.setncattr('crs_wkt', srs.ExportToWkt())
var.setncattr('proj4text', srs.ExportToProj4())
var.setncattr('spatial_epsg', epsg)
var.setncattr('GeoTransform', ' '.join(str(x) for x in tran))
raise Exception(f'Projection {srs.GetAttrValue("PROJECTION")} not recognized for this program')

var = nc_outfile.createVariable(
('y', 'x'),
var.setncattr('standard_name', 'conversion_matrix_element_11')
'conversion matrix element (1st row, 1st column) that can be multiplied with vx to give range pixel '
'displacement dr (see Eq. A18 in',
var.setncattr('units', 'pixel/(meter/year)')
var.setncattr('grid_mapping', mapping_var_name)
var.setncattr('dr_to_vr_factor', dr_2_vr_factor)
'multiplicative factor that converts slant range pixel displacement dr to slant range velocity vr',

M11[noDataMask] = NoDataValue
var[:] = M11

var = nc_outfile.createVariable(
('y', 'x'),
var.setncattr('standard_name', 'conversion_matrix_element_12')
'conversion matrix element (1st row, 2nd column) that can be multiplied with vy to give range pixel '
'displacement dr (see Eq. A18 in',
var.setncattr('units', 'pixel/(meter/year)')
var.setncattr('grid_mapping', mapping_var_name)
var.setncattr('dr_to_vr_factor', dr_2_vr_factor)
'multiplicative factor that converts slant range pixel displacement dr to slant range velocity vr',

M12[noDataMask] = NoDataValue
var[:] = M12


return file_name

def create_conversion_matrices(
scene: str,
grid_location: str = 'window_location.tif',
offset2vx: str = 'window_rdr_off2vel_x_vec.tif',
offset2vy: str = 'window_rdr_off2vel_y_vec.tif',
scale_factor: str = 'window_scale_factor.tif',
epsg: int = 4326,
parameter_file: str = DEFAULT_PARAMETER_FILE,
) -> Path:
xGrid, tran, _, srs, nodata = utils.load_geospatial(grid_location, band=1)

offset2vy_1, _, _, _, _ = utils.load_geospatial(offset2vy, band=1)
offset2vy_1[offset2vy_1 == nodata] = np.nan

offset2vy_2, _, _, _, _ = utils.load_geospatial(offset2vy, band=2)
offset2vy_2[offset2vy_2 == nodata] = np.nan

offset2vx_1, _, _, _, _ = utils.load_geospatial(offset2vx, band=1)
offset2vx_1[offset2vx_1 == nodata] = np.nan

offset2vx_2, _, _, _, _ = utils.load_geospatial(offset2vx, band=2)
offset2vx_2[offset2vx_2 == nodata] = np.nan

offset2vr, _, _, _, _ = utils.load_geospatial(offset2vx, band=3)
offset2vr[offset2vr == nodata] = np.nan

scale_factor_1, _, _, _, _ = utils.load_geospatial(scale_factor, band=1)
scale_factor_1[scale_factor_1 == nodata] = np.nan

# GDAL using upper-left of pixel -> netCDF using center of pixel
tran = [tran[0] + tran[1] / 2, tran[1], 0.0, tran[3] + tran[5] / 2, 0.0, tran[5]]

dimidY, dimidX = xGrid.shape
noDataMask = xGrid == nodata

y = np.arange(tran[3], tran[3] + tran[5] * dimidY, tran[5])
x = np.arange(tran[0], tran[0] + tran[1] * dimidX, tran[1])

chunk_lines = np.min([np.ceil(8192 / dimidY) * 128, dimidY])
ChunkSize = [chunk_lines, dimidX]

M11 = offset2vy_2 / (offset2vx_1 * offset2vy_2 - offset2vx_2 * offset2vy_1) / scale_factor_1
M12 = -offset2vx_2 / (offset2vx_1 * offset2vy_2 - offset2vx_2 * offset2vy_1) / scale_factor_1

dr_2_vr_factor = np.median(offset2vr[np.logical_not(np.isnan(offset2vr))])

conversion_nc = write_conversion_file(

return Path(conversion_nc)

def generate_correction_data(
scene: str,
buffer: int = 0,
parameter_file: str = DEFAULT_PARAMETER_FILE,
) -> Tuple[dict, Path]:
from hyp3_autorift.vend.testGeogrid_ISCE import loadParsedata, runGeogrid

scene_safe = _get_safe(scene)

orbits = Path('Orbits').resolve()
orbits.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

state_vec = fetch_for_scene(scene_safe.stem, dir=orbits)'Downloaded orbit file {state_vec} from s1-orbits')

polarization = get_s1_primary_polarization(scene_safe.stem)

swaths = [int(scene.split('_')[2][-1])] if scene.endswith('-BURST') else [1, 2, 3]
lat_limits, lon_limits = bounding_box(str(scene_safe), polarization=polarization, orbits=str(orbits), swaths=swaths)

scene_poly = geometry.polygon_from_bbox(x_limits=lat_limits, y_limits=lon_limits)
parameter_info = utils.find_jpl_parameter_info(scene_poly, parameter_file)

isce_dem = prep_isce_dem(parameter_info['geogrid']['dem'], lat_limits, lon_limits)
format_tops_xml(scene_safe, scene_safe, polarization, isce_dem, orbits, swaths)

reference_meta = loadParsedata(str(scene_safe), orbit_dir=orbits, aux_dir=orbits, buffer=buffer)

secondary_meta = copy.deepcopy(reference_meta)
spoof_dt = timedelta(days=1)
secondary_meta.sensingStart += spoof_dt
secondary_meta.sensingStop += spoof_dt

geogrid_info = runGeogrid(reference_meta, secondary_meta, epsg=parameter_info['epsg'], **parameter_info['geogrid'])

# NOTE: After Geogrid is run, all drivers are no longer registered.
# I've got no idea why, or if there are other affects...

conversion_nc = create_conversion_matrices(
scene=scene, epsg=parameter_info['epsg'], parameter_file=parameter_file, **parameter_info['autorift']

return geogrid_info, conversion_nc

def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('--bucket', help='AWS bucket to upload product files to')
Expand All @@ -25,6 +284,10 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument('granule', help='Reference granule to process')
args = parser.parse_args()

format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p', level=logging.INFO

_, conversion_nc = generate_correction_data(args.granule, buffer=args.buffer)

if args.bucket:
Expand Down

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