OpenSARlabs notebook testing module and notebook test scripts
The tests are designed to be run in an instance of OpenSARlab.
First, go to, login, and start a server.
Open a terminal and clone the repo into /home/joyvan with the following command:
git clone opensarlab-notebook_testing
A .netrc file is required for some of the notebooks that are run by the test script. The .netrc file can be generated by navigating to the opensarlab-notebook_testing directory, running the notebook make_netrc.ipynb and entering valid Earthdata credentials.
To do a test run against production OSL, you should be in the 'master' branch of /home/jovyan/notebooks and the 'main' branch of /home/jovyan/conda_environments.
If a feature branch of notebooks or conda_environments needs to be tested, switch into that branch before running the script.
To run the test script manually, I like to use the following command so runtime errors are recorded:
cd /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing
source 2> errors.txt
If the test script fails to complete, check /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/errors.txt to figure out what went wrong.
The test script should run to completion. When it finishes, check the report in /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/reports for lines that do not include 'PASSED'.
Investigate any tests that resulted in 'FAILED' or 'EXCEPTION'.
Note: It is ofter useful to run individual test scripts. To do so, the appropriate conda environment must be installed and activated.
For example, from a terminal:
cd to /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/
conda activate /home/jovyan/.local/envs/rtc_analysis
Alternatively, the test script can be set up to run on a cron in an instance of OSL running in Amazon Workspace. Setup for cron to run (Note: This requires sudo access in OSL):
- Start an instance of OpenSarlabs in Amazon Workspace (this is necessarry to keep the instance open through internet outages and other interruptions).
- Open a terminal in OSL
- mkdir /home/joyvan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/keep_OSL_alive
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt-get install cron
- sudo service cron start
- crontab -e
- Enter the following in the crontab:
DATEVAR=date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S
*/30 * * * * echo
25 14 * * * source /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/ > /dev/null 2>&1
01 15 * * * /usr/bin/find /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/reports -name "*.txt" -type f -mtime +7 -delete
20 15 * * * /usr/bin/find /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/keep_OSL_alive -name "keep_alive*" -type f -mtime +0 -delete