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HOW TO: change or recreate data

AZ-X edited this page Jun 7, 2020 · 5 revisions


  • You start editing by make selection.
  • You can edit anything as you want.
  • You can save the list even it contains duplicate name.
  • You can enter anything to a field. The application does NOT respond to any mistake proofing except duplicate name hints, since I think people know what they are doing base on their professional skill.
  • You can create a new record by edit (dragged item as template).
  • You can save it to new file by clicking the save button which will create .minisig and .priv/.pub key pair automatically.
  • You can do verification later.
  • You should keep all these generated files together in order to use them as an input of your MOD



  1. To continue editing customized list, open it first, then select all rows except first row to the right, finally open any file refer to.
  2. You can mix resolvers and relays into a single customized list.