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HOW TO: verify an existing file base on the known signature

AZ-X edited this page Jun 8, 2020 · 2 revisions

I don’t think creating a signature of MD file is necessary for dnscrypt proxy as it just downloads via HTTPS which already has carried out a signature within TLS. If you don’t trust basic PKI of particular network infrastructure or your hosting environment, you should stop using any network application including dnscrypt proxy.

The reason why I add a button to check signature or do verification maybe is similar to dnscrypt proxy:

Artificial functions.

Well, I still want to finish this section of WIKI. So let's begin.

Check signature of your customized list

Click the button and you see the OK result, that's it.

I uploaded an artificial picture to show how: show

Check signature of original md files e.g.

Why should you do that?

Do you really intend to do that?

You will find a trick after do the verification above.


You need create a .pub file by yourself which content could be retrieved in ‘example-dnscrypt-proxy.toml’ by searching minisign_key.