This vanilla Javascript library allows you to parse information from x.509 certificates to the following output.
"encryptionAlgo": "sha256WithRSAEncryption-PKCS",
"countryName-X509": "FI",
"stateOrProvinceName-X509": "Uusimaa",
"localityName-X509": "Helsinki",
"organizationName-X509": "Aalto University",
"organizationalUnitName-X509": "Smartcom",
"commonName-X509": "JaanTaponen",
"emailAddress-PKCS": "[email protected]",
"UTCTime": "2021-04-17 12:11:39 UTC",
The wrapper code can be found in the certInfo.js but optionally you can add the following script tag to your HTML
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script
and then call the function decodeCert(cert)
function with your encoded certificate.