Overview: The Fact Checking Software project, developed using Python 3 and MySQL, represents an innovative solution designed as part of a Class 12 Computer Science project. The software aims to combat misinformation and promote critical thinking by providing users with tools to verify the accuracy of factual claims found in various sources such as articles, news, or social media posts.
Key Features:
Claim Verification: Users can input a claim or statement into the software, which then searches a database of verified sources to check the validity of the claim.
Database Management: Utilizes MySQL for storing verified information and sources securely. The database includes structured data about verified facts, ensuring efficient retrieval and updating.
Reporting and Feedback: Enables users to report potentially false claims for further investigation. This feedback loop enhances the software’s accuracy over time by incorporating community input.
Technologies Used:
Python 3: Used for backend logic, including data processing, NLP algorithms, and interfacing with the MySQL database.
MySQL: Serves as the backend database management system, storing verified facts and related metadata.
Project Goals: The primary goal of the Fact Checking Software is to empower users with the ability to discern reliable information from misinformation. By leveraging technology and structured data, the software aims to contribute to media literacy and promote informed decision-making among its users.
Outcome and Impact: Through this project, we not only developed technical skills in Python and database management but also gained practical experience in addressing contemporary issues such as fake news and misinformation. The software’s potential impact extends to educational institutions, media organizations, and the general public, fostering a culture of critical thinking and accountability in information consumption.