Assignments for Algorithmic Toolbox on Coursera
Note: I didn't have access to submitting my assignments (I didn't pay for the course.) If there's something wrong in my code, please tell me. Thanks!
Prgramming Assignment: A plus B ###Solving a More Challenging Code Problem Programming Assignments: Maximum Pairwise Product, Stress Testing
Problem: Small Fibonacci Number
Problem: The Last Digit of a Large Fibonacci Number
Problem: Greatest Common Divisor
Problem: Least Common Multiple
Advanced Problem: Huge Fibonacci Number modulo m
Problem: Changing Money
Problem: Fractional Knapsack
Problem: Minimum Dot Product
Problem: Covering Segments by Points
Problem: Pairwise Distinct Summands
Problem: Binary Search
Problem: Majority Element
Problem: 3-Way Partition
Advanced Problem: Number of Inversions
Advanced Problem: Points and Segments
Problem: Primitive Calculator
Problem: Take as Much Gold as Possible
Problem: Compute the Edit Distance Between Two Strings
Problem: Maximize the Value of an Arithmetic Expression
Advanced Problem: Longest Common Subsequence of Three Sequences