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FIGlet for Windows with morden build system


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 _____ ___ ____ _      _   _  ___        ___
|  ___|_ _/ ___| | ___| |_| || \ \      / (_)_ __
| |_   | | |  _| |/ _ \ __| || |\ \ /\ / /| | '_ \
|  _|  | | |_| | |  __/ |_|__   _\ V  V / | | | | |
|_|   |___\____|_|\___|\__|  |_|  \_/\_/  |_|_| |_|

FIGlet is a program that creates large characters out of ordinary screen characters. It can create characters in many different styles and can kern and "smush" these characters together in various ways.

FIGlet output is generally reminiscent of the sort of "signatures" many people like to put at the end of e-mail and UseNet messages.

And FIGlet4Win is a project based on the original FIGlet, which is designed for DOS and Unix-like systems, to let it operate on modern Windows just like it used to be.

Since the official FIGlet on Windows (FIGWin) is a re-implementation of FIGlet with a GUI and it is not maintained after Windows 2000, and we actually don't need to change a lot of things to make FIGlet run well on Windows 11, FIGlet4Win is totally based on the original FIGlet code and GUI is not considered.

The official FIGlet web page:


FIGlet4Win should (and only can) be built with MinGW. MSVC and Clang is not supported up till now.

Don't like the original FIGlet, FIGlet4Win uses CMake for construction.

  1. Clone this repo

    git clone
    cd figlet4win
  2. Make a build directory

    mkdir build
    cd build
  3. Do CMake configure

    cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE

    If you want to remove TLF2 font file support, add -DFIGlet_Enable_TLF_FONTS=OFF to config command.

    If you want to change FIGlet default font (standard), add -DDEFAULT_FONT_FILE={font_file} to config command.

    If you want to change FIGlet default font directory (fonts), add -DDEFAULT_FONT_DIR={font_directory} to config command.

  4. Make

  5. Test the build if you want to (Python3 is required)

    ctest -C RELEASE

Installed files

File Description
figlet.exe The FIGlet program.
figinstall.exe A program that installs font files to FIGlet default font directory.
chkfont.exe A program that checks FIGlet fonts for formatting errors. You can ignore this file unless you intend to design or edit fonts.
figlist.bat Script that lists available fonts and control files.
showfigfonts.bat Script that gives a sample of each available font.
figman.bat Script that opens FIGlet4Win manual page
doc/ Directory containing FIGlet4Win chm manual page
fonts/ Directory containing fonts and control files.
*.flf All files with .flf ext are FIGlet font files.
*.flc All files with .flc ext are FIGlet control files.

How to use

Type figlet at the shell prompt, then type Hello, World! and press return. Hello, World! in nice, big, designer characters should appear on your screen. If you chose standard.flf to be the default font, you should see:

 _   _      _ _         __        __         _     _ _ 
| | | | ___| | | ___    \ \      / /__  _ __| | __| | |
| |_| |/ _ \ | |/ _ \    \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ _` | |
|  _  |  __/ | | (_) |    \ V  V / (_) | |  | | (_| |_|
|_| |_|\___|_|_|\___( )    \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\__,_(_)

Then type something else, or type an EOF (typically Ctrl-D) to quit FIGlet.

You can just copy the output of FIGlet, or redirect the output to a file (e.g., figlet Hello, World! > helloworld.txt) and use them in your own way.

To use other fonts, use the -f command line option. For example, if you had typed figlet -f smslant above, you would have seen:

   __ __    ____         _      __         __   ____
  / // /__ / / /__      | | /| / /__  ____/ /__/ / /
 / _  / -_) / / _ \_    | |/ |/ / _ \/ __/ / _  /_/
/_//_/\__/_/_/\___( )   |__/|__/\___/_/ /_/\_,_(_)

Here are some other useful command line options:

Option Description
-c centers the output of FIGlet.
-k tells FIGlet to kern characters without smushing them together.
-t FIGlet asks your terminal how wide it is, and uses this to determine when to break lines. Normally, FIGlet assumes 80 columns so that people with wide terminals won't annoy the people they e-mail FIGlet output to.
-p enable paragraph mode, eliminates some spurious line breaks when piping a multi-line file through FIGlet.
-v prints information about your copy of FIGlet.

Other usage are discribed in the chm manual file. Type figman in console to open it.


FIGlet was written mostly by Glenn Chappell [email protected], Ian Chai [email protected] and has since moved on to another FIGlet enthusiast, Christiaan Keet [email protected]. The latest maintenance is conducted by Claudio Matsuoka [email protected].

FIGlet4Win is a fork of Claudio's FIGlet tree and maintained by Sichen Lyu [email protected]. Its goal is to get FIGlet running on modern Windows just like it used to be.

Sincere thanks to the former developers of FIGlet project.