This guide will cover a multitude of deployment solutions for an Enterprise install of Vault:
Utilizes Packer to build the images, and Terraform to lay down all of the infrastructure.
Two Vault Clusters:
- Vault Cluster - Auto-scaling Group
- Consul Cluster - Auto-scaling Group
Vault Enterprise Features:
- KMS Auto-Unseal
- Performance Replication
Consul Features:
- Auto-Pilot
Terraform Enterprise:
- Utilizes remote state of Primary Cluster
AWS Specific Features:
- Creates a Peer Connection between Regions and configures appropriate routing.
30 Minutes
Paragraph describing the proposed solution.
- Have Packer on your system
- Clone this repo onto your machine for utilizing the Packer build files.
- Create EC2 Keys in the Regions you will be deploying to.
- Have AWS Access keys ready to go
Through these steps, we'll need to make sure these data items are provided:
- Consul AMI:
- Vault AMI:
##Build Your AMIs - Consul & Vault
export AWS_REGION=us-east-2
export CONSUL_VERSION=1.0.7
export VAULT_VERSION=0.10.1
From the root directory where you cloned the repo:
cd packer-images/vault/
packer build vault.json
Copy the AMI ID for later use.
cd ../consul
packer build consul.json
Copy the AMI ID for later use.
Create an AWS KMS Key following the defaults all the way through for creation.
AWS —> IAM —> Encryption Keys Create key —> Enter Alias Name —> Next Step —> Optional Tags —> Next Step Defne Key Administration - Choose who can manage the key - no bearing on Auto Unseal Define Key Usage Permission - Choose the key which vault will use to access this key for auto unseal
Copy the Key ID after it is created.
E.g.: c1636bfe-08ef-4ca9-9002-41a37eb39fac
EC2 Keys - Ensure you have keys created to be specified in your Terraform Variables - these keys will be used for SSH access to the vault and consul servers.
Create workspace and point to the appropriate directory: terraform-cluster
access_key: AWS Access Key ID
secret_key: AWS Secret Key ID
kms_key_id: Key ID
kms_key_region: KMS key location
region: us-east-2
consul_cluster_size: 3
vault_cluster_size: 3
environment_name: VaultEast-[CustomName]
avail_zones: ["us-east-2a","us-east-2b","us-east-2c"]
vault_ami: ami-abced
consul_ami: ami-xyz
cluster: Primary
root_domain: <-- Custom value or don't set it
key_name: EC2 Key
tfe_org: azc
Save Plan & Apply
Copy the two AMI instances you created to the other region you are going to target.
Write down the AMI IDs to be used in the Secondary Cluster Configuration
access_key: AWS Access Key ID
secret_key: AWS Secret Key ID
kms_key_id: Key ID
kms_key_region: KMS key location
region: us-west-2
consul_cluster_size: 3
vault_cluster_size: 3
environment_name: VaultWest-[CustomName] <-- *Make sure to Change*
avail_zones: ["us-west-2a","us-west-2b","us-west-2c"]
vault_ami: ami-abced1
consul_ami: ami-xyz1
cluster: Secondary
root_domain: Custom value or don't set it
primary_workspace: VaultEast-[CustomName]
key_name: EC2 Key
tfe_org: azc
After the first workspace is completed being built, Save and Apply
On Terminal 1
From root directory:
cd config-scripts
python -fqdn URL.From.TFE.Output
Copy the Root Token for future use.
At this point Vault is initialized and setup to use the AWS-KMS for unsealing.
- Follow instructions in the script (Reboot all 3 Vault Servers)
- Press Enter
- Copy the 2 export commands and execute them
On Terminal 2
From root directory:
cd config-scripts
python -fqdn URL.From.TFE.Output
Copy the Root Token for future use.
At this point Vault is initialized and setup to use the AWS-KMS for unsealing.
- Follow instructions in the script (Reboot all 3 Vault Servers)
- Press Enter
- Copy the 2 export commands and execute them
Run this command on Terminal 1:
vault write -f sys/replication/performance/primary/enable
After a small amount of time, run this command on Terminal 1:
vault write sys/replication/performance/primary/secondary-token id=1
Copy the wrapping_token for later use.
Run this command on Terminal 2:
vault write sys/replication/performance/secondary/enable token=[wrapping_token]
At this point, replication is fully configured between the two clusters.
Terminal 1
echo '
path "*" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]
}' | vault policy-write vault-admin -
vault auth-enable userpass
vault write auth/userpass/users/vault password=vault policies=vault-admin
vault write secret/replTest hello=world
Terminal 2
vault login -method=userpass username=vault password=vault
replace your VAULT_TOKEN Env variable with the output
vault read secret/replTest