This website lets you generate and view family trees. Each user can add members to his or her tree. A written chat system allows users to exchange information, validate users in their tree, etc... Users can modify their account information, as well as the information on the nodes that make up their tree.
OS Windows, may work with Linux.
Make sure you have installed nodeJS
, and git
Clone this repository:
git clone
You should get the backend project to run this project properly.
Then, make sure you have all dependencies
To have a good Project environment, type in your console :
Move to your angular project
cd Website_Genepropp_front
Install project dependencies
npm install
First, launch the GenTreeApp file with your JEE environment. Make sure your have clone and run the backend
Then, run angular project
npm start
Then, open the website
To build the project without starting it
npm run build
This will build the project in dist/