Aditya-Player is an advanced & powerful multi-featured Telegram vc streaming bot.
Aditya-Player is an open-source Telegram multi-featured vc streaming bot developed by using the Python programming language and Pyrogram MTProto client library of the Telegram API and PyTgCalls library, a secure and reliable way to interact with the Telegram platform.
1. At First Copy & Paste Below Command.
apt update -y && apt install sudo -y && sudo apt install curl ffmpeg git nano python3-pip screen -y && cd && rm -rf AdityaPlayer && git clone && cd AdityaPlayer && pip3 install -r requirements.txt --force-reinstall && screen -R AdityaPlayer
2. Now Run This Command & Add Your Variables.
nano Config.env
Required Variables !
3. After That Save and Exit By Below Buttons.
ctrl + s
ctrl + x
4. Now Run Your Bot in Background.
python3 -m AdityaHalder
5. Now Exit From Screen & Close Your Vps & Enjoy
ctrl + a + d
If you use Aditya-Player, it is important that you have proper knowledge about it. You should follow the Documentation
to learn about Aditya-Player.
As Aditya-Player is an open-source project, all kinds of contributions are respectfully welcomed, and I also extend my sincere thanks to all contributors.
You can join Aditya-Player's official Telegram channel and group on Telegram for any updates and support-related issues of Aditya-Player.
Telegram Updates:
Telegram Support:
Verify the username of Aditya-Player's official Telegram channel and group. If you face a problem with a fake channel or group, Aditya-Player will not take responsibility for it, so I request that you verify Aditya-Player's official Telegram channel and group.
All functions of Aditya-Player based on this mtproto client library.Py-TgCalls:
Telegram Streaming system of Aditya-Player based on this library.