PokéFinder 2.2.0
- Add E-Reader encounters for Colo
- Add update checker. Requires SSL I'm pretty sure, will look into this more later.
- Add dual slot and radio to Gen 4 encounters
- Custom text box now remembers cursor position when modifying
- Limit methods displayed based on the selected profiles version
- Translation are now stored in the program and no longer require the "Languages" folder.
- Changed profiles from xml to json. Old xml files will no longer work.
- Reworked encounter table format. Takes up less space and easier for me to manage. Gen 3 final format will be in the next release.
- Speedup increases around the board.
- Fix issue where PRNG field for XD/Colo in IDs would only allow 4 characters instead of 8
- Fix probability calculation for Channel Jirachi
Probably forgetting some other stuff. Been a while since the last release, enjoy.