PokéFinder 4.0.0
Initial Gen 8 support has arrived. In this 4.0.0 release the following is supported: Static/Wild/Event/Egg/IDs for BDSP and Raids for SwSh. Gen 5 was put on the back burner to work on Gen 8. In a subsequent 4.x release better Gen 5 support will be added and additional SwSh support will come for overworld encounters that are now possible to RNG.
Huge thanks to (in no particular order) @zaksabeast, @ShinySylveon04, @Real96, @RichardPaulAstley, @SteveCookTU, Kurt and SciresM for the help/support with BDSP research.
- Added key advances to dream radar (thanks @Real96)
- Add Poketch calculator to Gen 4 Eggs (thanks @SteveCookTU)
- Gen 5 Hidden Grotto (thanks @SteveCookTU)
- Allow overflow seeds in Gen 4 Seed to Time (thanks @ShinySylveon04)
- Add items to Gen 4 Wild (thanks @Real96)
- Add new FRLG egg method (thanks @Real96)
- Add RaidFinder functionality
- Add checkbox to Gen 5 IDs to allow/ignore PID xoring (thanks @ShinySylveon04)
- BDSP Eggs
- BDSP Wild (thanks @SteveCookTU)
- BDSP Events
- BDSP Static
- Dates displayed now use ISO 8601 format (thanks @KPJoshi)
- Optimize encounter slot calculation
- Optimize egg IV inheritance calculation
- Update to Qt 6
- Remove lead selection from RS/FRLG (leads are only possible in Emerald)
- Change how leads are displayed/selected in generators
- Changed name of Stationary to Static
- Fix date calculation in the RTC searcher
- Fix issue where disabling filters was ignored in Gen 4 Eggs
- Fix issue where Gen 5 Profile searcher couldn't be cancelled
- Fix infinite loop in Gen 3 Eggs
- Fix PID generation for Gen 4 cute charm
- Fix issue where wrong IVs were generated for RS/FRLG eggs
- Fix issue where the wrong advances were showed for Gen 5 IDs (thanks @Real96)
- Fix issue where shadow lock generation was incorrect
- Fix infinite loop in Gen 5 Profile searcher
- Fix incorrect IV generation for Gen 3/4 Eggs (thanks @ShinySylveon04 and @SteveCookTU)
- Fix genderless pokemon generation in Gen 5 Dream Radar (thanks @SteveCookTU)
- Fix incorrect occidentary value in Gen 4 Wild (thanks @Real96)
- Fix issue where Emeralds Eggs showed the wrong advances (thanks @Real96)
- Fix issue where Colo seed searching would not give accurate results
If you download a windows build you might need to install the c++ redistributable. You can find the download page here.