Epitech Project 2021
B1 - Unix System Programming
- style mark: ?
- style major: 1
- style minor: 3
- style info: 0
- 01: 8/8
- 02: 13/13
- 03: 5/6
- 04: 0/9
- 05: 0/6
- 06: 0/6
binary name: libmy.a
language: C
build tool: via Makefile, including re, all, clean, fclean [my_tests, tests_run, cover, tests_file] rules
You must recode the printf function from the C library according to the C99 standard. Your function should
be prototyped like the printf function.
You do not have to implement the C library printf buffer handling.
You must process all printf formating flags except the following (which are optional):
- float or double types management,
- %n flag management,
- " * " , " ’ " and " I " (capital i) flags management.
You must add a %b formating flag, which prints unsigned numbers in a binary base.
You must also add a %S formating flag, which prints a character string (like %s). However, non-printable
characters (ASCII value strictly smaller than 32 or greater or equal than 127) must be represented by a back-
slash to be followed by the character’s value in octal base.
#include <criterion/criterion.h>
#include <criterion/redirect.h>
#include "my.h"
void redirect_all_std(void)
Test (my_printf, simple_string, .init=redirect_all_std)
my_printf("hello world");
cr_assert_stdout_eq_str("hello world");
char str[5];
my_strcpy(str, "toto");
str[1] = 6;
my_printf("%S\n", str);
~/B-PSU-100> ./a.out
- Student: Adrien VERMERSCH
- Email: [email protected]
- Year: 2021
- Promotion: 2026
- Campus: Bordeaux
Code rédigé selon la norme Epitech (promo 2026).
Recopier ce repo revient au vol de code.
Autrement dit, -42